Nick Saban’s Comment On Henry Ruggs Is Going Viral
© Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
On Thursday, Alabama head coach Nick Saban gave a speech explaining the importance of being a good friend as well as a good leader and used his former player Henry Ruggs as the example...
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Ruggs is currently awaiting trial for killing 23-year-old Tina Tantor after rear-ending her at a high speed this past November. He was charged with DUI resulting in death and reckless driving. (The Spun)

Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Menji31 months
Oh, boo hoo. So what. I'm certainly glad none of us made any dumbass mistakes when we were young.
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tigerbutt31 months
Well if we had messed up this big when we were young we wouldn’t be here today posting freely on TD.
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FredBear31 months
I don't know about you but I have never killed anyone. That's a bit more than a "dumbass mistake ".
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Klark Kent31 months
what a stupid take
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TrouserTrout31 months
Did Saban know Ruggs had a need for speed off the field at Alabama?
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SOL231 months
Saban pandering again
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roll to victory31 months
Saban, you're not mentor to your former players. Bryant and Stallings, they were mentors. You little man have much to learn, but a little too late now.
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LCL0831 months
You are the little man as well as a moron and I bet YOU will never learn!
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roll to victory31 months
frick off troll, truth hurts, huh?
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1931 months
Kinda hard to "look up" to a midget.
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toratiger31 months
Perhaps if some leader at his college had noticed his drug and/or alcohol consumption he could have gotten some type of aid.
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LCL0831 months
You do realize that people consume alcohol and drugs and are not alcoholics or addicts. People over indulge all the time (especially in college), how do you know he had a substance abuse problem in college? You don't!
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TheRouxGuru31 months
You really trying to blame bama/saban for this? fricking pathetic
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SomeLSUguy31 months
I think what he was trying to say is we should legalize marijuana... bc there is not a couch in this world that goes 130mph...
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Globetrotter74731 months
I think Saban overthinks things sometimes. I don’t know the circumstances that occurred before Ruggs got in the car, but regardless the responsibility is 100% on him. He’s an adult.
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1931 months
Hope Saban doesn't stick around long enough to become Brandon...I mean, I would lol
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BobABooey31 months
Due processed.
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surgicalvenom31 months
He had a players only app on his phone. All he needs to do is tap the app, and he gets a car service to drive him home, no questions asked. All players have it. The NFL was a very good friend to him, by giving him the app. But he has to use it.
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ThatTahoeOverThere31 months
Basically friends dont let friends drive drunk.
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the LSUSaint31 months
Dude, drunk driving is one thing....doing 130 mph and killing people is not solved by not drinking. That is an embedded state of mind that he has done many times. There is no "reaction time" or anything that can help a mistake at that speed. If he makes it home and beats his wife to death, I guess it's the friends fault for letting him go home in an Uber? Is it Sabans fault? He's the one who taught him how to choose friends, and introduced him to several at Alabama. frick Saban on this issue...unreal
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PeleofAnalytics31 months
What a completely non retarded take LSUSaint. Bravo.
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Indiana Tiger31 months
In a video that is going viral today, the Alabama head coach explained the importance of being a good friend as well as a good leader. Without saying Ruggs’ name, he said that if Ruggs’ friends had stepped up and taken his keys away the night he went out drinking and ultimately killed a person in an accident, Ruggs would have been better off. “What kind of friend were you?” Saban asked. “What kind of leader were you when you allowed the guy to do it? But nobody wants to do that because they’re afraid of what somebody is going to think of them.”
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Outdoorreb31 months
So, it wasn’t Riggs fault? Frick off with the excuses.
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TexanTiger6831 months
No, Outdoorreb, one can still say what Saban said but still hold Ruggs accountable for his own actions. Life is a bit more dynamic than that.
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CajunBullet31 months
Hey little "Nicky"! What about the person directly involved manning up and be responsible and accountable? What about thinking about how much to drink if you know you'll be driving. Yes, friends can help but it all starts with the person directly involved.
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