Oh boy. This is hard to watch...

Filed Under: Texas A&M Sports
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theBru24 months
Wow, and it looks like they got @ least another 30K in the stands acting the same way. Must be some kind of indoctrination ceremony...
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Cracker24 months
I swear what is it with the inflections and faggy gyrations
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cajunmud24 months
22 mins? Uh sorry, I'll have to take y'alls word for it.
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SomeLSUguy24 months
I heard one of the yell leaders was gay... I'm having a hard time trying to figure out which ones aren't.
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YMCA24 months
Can we trade A&M and Missouri for 2 Sun Belt teams?
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PureBlood24 months
this was cringy as frick.
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Leopold24 months
Ya’ll got, like, 60k students and THATS the douchbag you found to put front and center?
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Morpheus24 months
Don't even to need to watch all that to think they are any more lame than I already do. I've "experienced" an LSU game there. Odd group to say the least.
Honest to God I would have avoided college if that was my only option.
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Tigerwm2324 months
Richard Simmons would be proud that his traditional mating call lives on
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whoyodaddy24 months
Too embarrassing to watch.
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Herodijontiger24 months
Sorry couldn't watch it, felt my life slipping away very fast like.
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panzer24 months
Who practices yelling?
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BigWillyMetry24 months
Imagine how annoying this dude is on a daily basis. You know his whole life he has wanted to be one of these yell dweebs
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Solo Cam24 months
I wish they would bring recruits to that
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BigWillyMetry24 months
Aggies continue to be good for a laugh.

A whole school of weirdo ROTC dweebs
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Havoc24 months
What’s he doing with his leg?
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Goodell Clown24 months
Wtf is wrong with these people
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JakeFromStateFarm24 months
This would’ve been cringeworthy and sad even if A&M would’ve won the game. Instead they lost and it’s cringeworthy, sad, and hilarious.
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kkv7524 months
A$M doing A$M things.
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Nole Man24 months
Still out there on some site for now. LINK
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