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Vols fans were pumped last night. They tore down the Neyland Stadium goalposts after Tennessee beat Alabama 52-49 last night and then dumped them in Tennessee River...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Tennessee Sports
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mcpotiger28 months
Styrofoam Goalposts?
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cajunmud28 months
Was that thing floating? Was it PVC pipe?
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Robber DeNiro28 months
Those Bama fans almost got destroyed lol. Never say jack to a crazy mob dude.
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HarryBalzack28 months
Why would you throw it in the river?
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KAGTASTIC28 months
IIRC it was what was done back in the 60s when tenn got won after a another long (but shorter) losing streak.
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TigerPaw728 months
They act like they just won the natty.
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Flashback28 months
They got a big jump on getting there. We're spoiled arse LSU fans. We're used to getting there reasonably frequently.
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MOS031128 months
This was moments before they pounded their sisters into submission.
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Mr Boyles28 months
The BAMA band director made them sit there and watch Tennessee celebrate lol
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NPComb28 months
20 second mark... "Fucckkkk you fat bastard!!!" lulz
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Lynxrufus201228 months
We will pull them out of Kentucky Lake next spring. Or maybe leave them as fish habitat.
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lsusteve128 months
Did that Vol Fan spit on those two Bama fans?
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Those Bama boys on that last video almost got smashed up. Don't talk $hit to a mob.
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Kelvinator28 months
Tennessee Vandals
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Aech201928 months
They are on another level!
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beaverfever28 months
I think that constitutes littering.
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BobABooey28 months
Nah. Mark it on the GPS because it’ll be holding some big crappie soon.
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