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Registered on:8/23/2021
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[link=(https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13636741/Justin-Jefferson-father-ex-girlfriends-baby-judge-rules-140m-NFL-star-accused-pressuring-abort-child.html)]Daily Mail Link[/link] Crazy story unfolding here: "Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Justin Jefferson has been established as ...

re: Quency Wiggins to Colorado

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 12/17/23 at 10:44 am
He should do well against smaller conference competition. This was a good move for him. ...

re: Gabriel Reliford Decommits

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 12/3/23 at 7:05 pm
He was probably coming anyway but his position Coach going to Syracuse sealed the deal for us. Let the Aggie poaching commence. ...
I saw him plant his foot to cut back while those guys were tackling him. The trainers were doing the Anterior Drawer Test on his knee while he was laying on the field. This is what I was worried about. Sad for him and it’s going to be rough for the team going forward. Those freshmen better get ready...
I don't mind at all having PJ back coaching up the DL. What bothers me is that BK seems to be a step behind on what this team needs. Pete should have been called weeks ago when it was clear Jimmy was done for the season. ...
I cringed when I heard BK basically say "no one else is walking through the door right now." That was a terrible thing for the leader of this team to say. The lack of a DL coach and this soft zone BS is more of a problem than the athletes we have on the team. ...

re: Anyone have IBS?

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 9/8/23 at 7:07 pm
[img]https://charlestongi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/21-CGI-0862-FB-09.png[/img] This is the key diet to follow for a lot of those with “IBS”...
You can only see his face when he’s wearing the LSU jersey, therefore he must be picking LSU. The sour face is just a ploy. ...
[img]https://mms.businesswire.com/media/20230806957468/en/1860408/5/13_July_2023_DJI_0830.jpg?download=1[/img] Tellurian's Driftwood LNG facility is happening, slowly but surely. This pic is from last month. ...

re: Rumor: Denver Harris Suspended

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 8/14/23 at 2:11 pm
What a shame, looks like his college football career is going up in smoke. ...
Nice to hear from her finally but I need to know who was not real on her plane and/or why was she so scared. It looked like a bad mushroom trip and maybe that's why she can't talk about it. That said...would. ...
[quote]He talked about every school but seems like he is trying to get a bidden war started for his service.[/quote] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/sBGw5MruxAyiI/giphy.gif[/img]...

re: Polian leaving for AD Job

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 5/2/23 at 1:11 pm
[img]https://footballscoop.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_295/MTgwODU1MzE0MzU3MzY0MDcy/austinthomas1.webp[/img] Only a matter of time before this guy resurfaces....

re: HANOI JANE coming to Baton Rouge

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 2/2/23 at 10:40 am
Had potential but nuttier than a pecan tree. [img]https://media.gettyimages.com/id/71495473/photo/jane-fonda.webp?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=dDAzxM4adNk3HgabpqUITbLXewmvW1kyi7IHrc4Ez9M=[/img]...

re: Joey "Ice" Burrow is at it again

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 1/29/23 at 11:59 am
He must have lost a bet. This ensemble is way too girly. ...

re: LSU Animal House

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 1/25/23 at 2:04 pm
Reggies is going to suffer the same fate that Murphy's did in the late 90's. Murphy's was wild back in the day, those Jager shots were never a good idea but we did them anyway. ...

LSU Animal House

Posted by TigerPaw7 on 1/25/23 at 9:24 am
Goodbye Reggie's [link=(https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html)]Daily Mail - LSU Animal House[/link] "One man can also be seen swaying across the bar with a cup, as well as a pinata being used like a ball for a man to hit with a baseball bat. The bar offers cover for Greek sorority g...
He had himself a blonde and a brunette. Guy was an all time dirtbag, no way he doesn’t screw it up in Aggieland. [link=(https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1143060-phone-records-reveal-another-possible-mistress-for-bobby-petrino)]Petrino’s 2nd Mistress [/link] His blonde mistress, Jessica Dor...