School chancellor Roger Brown announced this week that Neyland Stadium games will now start with a moment of silence in the prayer’s stead. The move comes after various complaints, including one by the Freedom From Religion Foundation and Tennessee’s Secular Student Alliance.
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Steely Don148 months
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dakid148 months
wow. how sad.
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tiga-p-cola148 months
Really?! You would have to put a bullet in my head to keep me from praying. They can never take prayer out of school, ever! no worries!
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tigertown79148 months
I have heard some fans of high school, college, etc say the lords prayer as loud as they can during that moment of silence when not able to have a prayer. It is a very proud moment as a Christian and even the players and coaches say it, but we end practice, pregame, halftime, postgame with the Lord's Prayer anyways so we have prayer regardless.
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Carolinacajun148 months
Don't know why all the complaints.....Jesus hasn't helped them win in years.
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TJG210148 months
Why in the hell do we keep bowing down to the minority? If they don't like it tough........don't go to the game. Everything is being ruined because everyone is scared of these absurd special interest groups.
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emanresu148 months
Imagine if the majority of people were atheists instead of believers, and that instead of a prayer, the pre-game ceremony included the recital of a statement advocating the virtues of logic and reason as life's guideposts. Would the believer faction just accept this? Likely not, which is why I don't have a problem with this. But on the other hand, the equilibrium in democracies lies toward the majority, not toward the minority, so I really don't have a problem with the prayer either, because silencing the majority so as to not "offend" a minority is the greater societal evil in my opinion. I'm in the minority, but I still recognize this.
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Mickey Goldmill148 months
All LSU does is a moment of silence....not sure why you all are so upset.
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diddydirtyAubie148 months
Atheist may win this battle, but they have already lost the war.
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LSUmakemewanna148 months
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Escobar600148 months
How long until Muslim prayer gets accepted as the replacement?
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TexasTiger89148 months
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tgerb8148 months
Ok. so someone complained about something and they changed a traditional component of football games because of this? Makes sense.
I think the coin toss is racist, rocky top is sexist, and the football is shaped too much like a ufo and it freaks me out. GET TO IT CHANCELLOR.. YES WE CAN!
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Mid Iowa Tiger148 months
I think a spontaneous "Our Father" started in the crowd would grow LOUDLY from one section to another...

Come on Vol fans do it!
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tigerfan5803148 months
ClientNumber 9, you can pray whenever you want, including that moment of silence. Nobody is stopping that. Talk to your invisible man whenever you want.
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LSUNO12010148 months
Oh yeah, what wimps! A Godless country that is quickly going down the tubes...that's what the people want!
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ClientNumber9148 months
Congrats, athiests. You win again. Not only do you not have to pray, you make sure no one gets to. Awesome job.
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SaintLSUnAtl148 months
So what happens if more people complain about the prayer being banned than complained about the prayer?
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TJRibMe148 months
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bunky148 months

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