Here is Triple Threat with their Razorback tribute video “Never Yield.” Gotta at least give them credit for the nice production value...

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LessofLes133 months
Hey look - the pigs have a YE-YE too.
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BrerTiger133 months
I thought Arkansas did a swell job of shocking the country with their rapid fall from the top 10 and Petrino's wild ride. That video should have NSFW warning due to all the bouncing moobs. Hog Heaven indeed.
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Tiger Among Tusks133 months
The guy in the cast is Kris Allen.
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TheEye133 months
I quit before the halfway point but, fat kid in the black shirt throws like a bitch and the guy with the cast on think he's a broke arse Michael Jackson.
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MSTiger33133 months
I don't even...
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Upperaltiger06133 months
I <3 the obese acting excited and athletically interested.
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pellietigersaint133 months
fat guy throws like a developmentally delayed seal
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panzer133 months
Bless their hearts ditto
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CNB133 months
GatorBait08, don't make me bust out the Tim Tebow song
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Fireman17133 months
Never Yield almost fail!! Should be the title..
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08Gatorbait133 months
I couldn't stop laughing at a fat white kid playing WR. Why are Arkansas fans always making weird songs about their team is just odd at this point. Is this what fans of unsuccessful programs do in their free time? Glad I grew up a Gator.
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BigDrDon133 months
I am saddened by this.
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heypaul133 months
never mention a year or player in a 'fan fight song'

...cause it will quickly date itself
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im4LSU133 months
bless their hearts
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