Former Florida State offensive lineman Daniel Glauser jumped on Twitter Monday to troll the Florida Gators with his championship rings. The weird thing is Glauser used up his last year of NCAA eligibility two years ago, but he was still a part of the program during its national championship run this past season.

Daniel Glauser
EXCLUSIVE!!!! picture of Florida states rings to the left and UF's rings to the right the last 2 years ????
8:49 AM - 21 Apr 2014

Daniel Glauser
I should really stop making fun of the Gators. They are humans too, I mean they... Never mind 4&8 yoooooo lol
12:31 PM - 21 Apr 2014

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bigDgator125 months
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razer125 months
Brooks, it was a guess based on the fact that UF has 2 BC titles in that time and I don't really recall FSU doing anything worthwhile in comparison. My apologies for not itemizing the game scores. Glad you had time to do that.
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The Jackson 4125 months
those eyebrows are intense.
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BrooksnDunn125 months
Since 1998, FSU and UF are 8 and 8 and both have 2 BCS titles. Razer sounds like a real scholar.
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Foolish cock125 months
5 rings? Wtf?
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Dr. Shultz125 months
5 rings in 2 seasons? WTF did they get them for?
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DoubleDown125 months
So wait, did he even play on this years team? He was "part of the team" but did he even play 1 snap all year?

Calm down, waterboy.
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Dr. Morgus125 months
new money
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Carson123987125 months
he sounds like a real scholar
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razer125 months
They've been owned by Florida probably for about the last 15 years and they have one good year and talk shite?
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Thracken13125 months
he needs to do something about those brows
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JumpingTheShark125 months
What a chump. Real champs know when to STFU and let their play do the talking.
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