Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
Location:New Orleans, Louisiana
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Registered on:10/27/2008
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re: Dirty Birds/NFL Talk

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/26/24 at 4:05 pm
That's another key point on how well this coaching staff gels and how good they are schematically. Raheem Morris was downright bad before so let's pray he's improved....

re: Dirty Birds/NFL Talk

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/24/24 at 8:06 am
I just don't know and I'll hing it ALL on if Cousins can stay healthy. Also, just not sure how tentative he'll be after a major surgery. The team has talent, however, if we have to rely on a rookie QB if Cousins gets hurt, we're toast. Optimistically, a 10 win season....
The Phillies have come down to earth some but the Braves haven't capitalized on shite. The Mets are still hanging around too. I'd say we may just be in a fight for a WC spot but still a lot of baseball left. That being said, there's a lot of just average to good teams out there this season, Braves...

re: 538 projecting Biden to win!!!

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/12/24 at 1:52 pm
Prepare for it, seriously. It won't surprise me 1 bit and everyone will be so confused....
I'm sadly old enough to remember him being a pretty decent ESPN guy back in the day. Can't remember why he got fired from there but then went full on political. Man, kinda sad to be that consumed by politics....

re: Samsung can't innovate anymore

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/12/24 at 8:26 am
It's all phones, honestly. There's been a bell curve on what they can do and we're starting to see the flattening of that curve....
[quote]I disagree Trump just have to hammer how the lied to you and hid this for 4 years and only forced them out because they were caught.[/quote] This x 1000000000. As soon as they make the change, the Trump campaign needs to hammer this point. They've known this for years but the media and Bi...
The Biden regime can just constantly say "The Drs have checked him and have not found any signs.". That's misleading because if you're not looking for a particular thing, you're not going to find it. That's like saying, "He doesn't have testicular cancer, at all!". Ok, well, you're checking his t...
Not to mention the mental disorders it caused people. I still see idiots wearing masks in public and solo in their own car. COVID unfortunately killed the weak and immune compromised but not the stupids, they're still hanging around....
Is there a day/time where this announcement is to happen? Maybe waiting for when the Democrats make a switch on Joe to then steal some of the thunder?...

re: Who here hates Microsoft Teams?

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/9/24 at 8:17 am
[quote]It's a common misconception that going idle means you're not working.[/quote] I dunno, mine seems to stay "active" even when minimized or in a background window. However, I have 1 large arse monitor and just use the Windows embedded "split" window mode basically mimicking 2 monitors. I *th...

re: LIVE: WH Press Briefing 12:30

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/8/24 at 2:33 pm
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93lrosBEW-Q SHINY! I wasn’t always a drab crab....

re: LIVE: WH Press Briefing 12:30

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/8/24 at 2:29 pm
Oh the press lady just asked about his 2 brain aneurysms. She continues to ignore Doocy and I dunno how he isn’t laughing by now....

re: LIVE: WH Press Briefing 12:30

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/8/24 at 2:13 pm
I’m scared of who’s been running the country for the last few years. We’ve all been saying it but now everyone’s eyes have been opened. Goes to show you that I don’t think it TRULY matters who the President is in the grand scheme of things. The swamp continues to run the WH, we’re all just shown ...

re: LIVE: WH Press Briefing 12:30

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/8/24 at 2:11 pm
The whole press corps is ripping her and Biden. They’re not buying it anymore. This is brutal to watch but also entertaining as fook....

re: Who here hates Microsoft Teams?

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/8/24 at 8:25 am
I'm starting to hate it but mainly because I can see when my coworkers are IDLE or simply away/offline. Sometimes when I see a coworker idle for like 3 hours, I wonder if I can incorporate their salary into mine. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss....

re: Top 10 Patriotic States

Posted by DoubleDown on 7/5/24 at 11:38 am
Yea - ok! Here's the actual list: 1) All the Southern States ... 49) New York 50) California...
I hope you don't actually believe this whatsoever. I'm sometimes down for conspiracy theories but this one is just a bit on the wacko side....

re: Who here hates Microsoft Teams?

Posted by DoubleDown on 6/26/24 at 1:45 pm
I actually don’t mind MS Teams but haven’t used many other similar tools so unsure what to compare it to....

re: RCS working in IOS 18 Beta 2

Posted by DoubleDown on 6/26/24 at 10:48 am
That's cool. I guess it's an upgrade to what's been around for 20-25 years so anything is better than nothing. Maybe it'll spurn incremental progress and that benefits everyone....