Missouri designer Charles Sollars has been creating his own versions of Nike Pro Combat Helmets and releasing them on the web. He's done this for the Big 10 and Big 12, but now has released his versions for the SEC. Even though they're not real, would you like to see these come to life? At least for one game? Check'em out..


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Mississippi State

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Ole Miss

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South Carolina

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Filed Under: SEC Sports
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reed morton156 months
Worse than awful. They need to be kept simple. Pros for example Cardinals, nice color and simple. LSU's present helmets are just the best and should remain unchanged. These are way too "busy" & add zero to the uniform's appeal.
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LSU Beach Lover156 months

Please make it stop................... AWFUL !!!!
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kingbob156 months
LSU's looks pretty stupid, but the Bama one's the worst. I'd kinda like to see one in person to see if it's as bad in real life as it is on here. The Tennessee one is crap too.
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cruisedoctor156 months
KY followed by TN and the VOLS by far the winners.
Houndstooth is NOT an AL fashion creation....leave that helmet red and boring.
LSU....nah.....I'd rather the gold helmets they wore with the white uniforms in that game last year.
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Brinner156 months
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Brinner156 months
How about a link to the other conference helmets? It’s really not that hard to produce a quality blog with references and all, but yall seem to have trouble.
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la_birdman156 months
The one for LSU if horrible. Leave it alone.

It's hideous.

And why does the Auburn one get tiger stripes when they worship an eagle?

Some are ok but the big guns have really bad looking ones. Don't change it.
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GeauxColonels156 months
That's not even a rebel on Ole Miss's design. It's a slightly modified version of the Eastern Kentucky Colonels logo.
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jrous19156 months
i like the LSU one would look badass with white on white and purple shoes
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RileyTime156 months
I like them all except for the LSU one, that one is fricking stupid
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tigercat70156 months
What a ridiculous waste of time for a grown man to create trash like this. First of all Auburn should have a war eagle, they only became tigers in the past few years. Or, maybe they could be Plainsmen. They are more confused than we are, and we have a lunatic for a coach!! No, thanks, keep the helmets we have. Those SUCK!!
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Chrome156 months
Trash. Put'em in a time capsule and set it for 999999 and hope they turn to dust by then.
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1bigcat156 months
LSU looks like my uncle Earl's bowling ball. I like the MSU one the best.
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TopWaterTiger 156 months
Some of those are decent! LSU is easily the worst looking one!
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damyankee156 months
the LSU one looked awful...the Auburn one should be the LSU version...Auburn should have an Eagle or some other shite considerin the schizophrenic nature of their mascot
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lsutigernosaint156 months
Those are all pretty awful.
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MasonTiger156 months
LSU helmet was a cluster**** for the eyes. Awful.

The Alabama hat is a redneck's dream.

Actually liked the Vandy and Miss St. ones though.
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BurasTigah156 months
Vols just look like he slopped a logo on there and called it good. Looks like shite. This guy sucks at this...
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horndog156 months
As long as the LSU uniform comes complete with a tail to go along with helmet, I give it a 2 thumbs up.
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bigpurple1957156 months
This is sck. Don't EVEN consider changing our (LSU) head gear!
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