This 8-Year-Old Georgia Fan's Whole Classroom Is Rooting For Alabama.........
Rob Foldy-USA TODAY Sports
This 8-year-old Georgia fan is on an island surrounded by the Tide...
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kjntgr74 months
It’s amazing to me how people can be so damn proud of something they had nothing to do with, you would think they played for Alabama
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ThaKaptin74 months
The teacher is a bit old for this and should know better, the rest of it.... frick yall snowflakes. Suck that pachyderm dick bitch. xD
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UTprideofTX74 months
Bama Fans: we talk sh*t to 8 year olds Pathetic.
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jsmoove74 months
Glad to see these types of trashy Bammers, most who don't know or care about sports, are still picking on little kids that pull for somebody else. Some things never change.
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MissyTiger74 months
ESPN is managed and run by idiots.
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TOSOV74 months
Not as bad as I thought from reading the comments first. Got to stand by your choices. If it were a boy people would be less upset. I went against the grain as a kid for my fav team. Just smile and have fun with it.
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TigerAxeOK74 months
I also went against the grain. I grew up an LSU fan in the very beating heart of Sooner nation. It wasn't easy. And they haven't changed a bit. Even most Alabama fans are actually pretty civil and tolerable most of the time. But Sooner fans, then and now, are absolutely insufferable.
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Possumslayer74 months
Future school shooter??
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ljhog74 months
Trash is as trash does.
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Big Bang Rookie74 months
It's called bullying and the teacher should be fired!
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AustinKnight74 months
P Word
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bamafan100174 months
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N9788374 months
That is douchebag fricking shite right there. And then hate Georgia. But that’s a kid. frick espn for laughing about it.
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AustinKnight74 months
Dude hope your kidding or take ur sweaty vaginitis out back. Called life bro and it’s fun
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1974 months
So glad I'm not associated with this shite-show program.
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TOSOV74 months
What a life, when you live without a mirror...
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ThaKaptin74 months
its funny because nothing in this entire article is associated with it either.
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Fightin Okra74 months
Hope UGA wins just so she can rub it in their faces on Monday
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Jackie Chan74 months
Hopefully someone from the Georgia Athletic dept picks this up and hooks this girl up with swag, sideline passes, team meet etc.
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N9788374 months
Get this to Fromm. Imagine being a kid and getting something from the QB.
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Charlie Arglist74 months
I don't see the humor. The adult should be especially ashamed.
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Lsu10120574 months
You do this at your work. Not to an 8 year old. But I suppose we cannot expect too much from Bama fans lol.
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heypaul74 months
So that's what they teach in Alabama?
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mattloc74 months
Why woulda pic of the state of Georgia be on a bulletin board in an elementaryclassroom in the state of Alabama?
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Soup Sammich74 months
She's no bandwagoner. Sticking with her team. Kid is strong willed.
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crtodd74 months
That is just wrong. One would think the teacher would know better. But wait, it's Alabama.
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FournetteForEver774 months
Looks like a special education class
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Drizzt74 months
It must be tough being the only literate person in your class
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