John Reed-USA TODAY Sports
Texas A&M sophomore wide receiver Speedy Noil is taking some time off from football this spring according to head coach Kevin Sumlin. Per The Houston Chronicle.

“Speedy has some things he’s got to complete,” Sumlin said, adding that Noil’s absence didn’t have anything to do with health. “He’ll be back this week. We asked him to do some things, and while he’s doing that he’s been away from the program.”

“And sometimes when you take football away from them and get them from that a little bit, the point is made.”
Filed Under: SEC Football
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wadewilson113 months
Looks like LSU dodged a head case on this one. We'll be seeing him at McNeese in 2016.
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victoire sécurisé113 months
Speedy is probably thinking to himself: "Why practice your arse off in the off season when you can party your way to a free pass? Missing practice won't hurt come gameday, and everybody knows that. How many times have you heard, 'You can't coach speed.'"

Well, you can't coach Speedy either.
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GeauxLSUGeaux113 months
Amazing moves is so butthurt
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Amazing Moves113 months
All of you LSU homo's laughing at something that Les is routinely guilty of... Leniency.
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ctiger69113 months
Thug U strikes again!
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WhoDatNC113 months
crack is wack.
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lsuson113 months
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TheMadeMan113 months
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GulfCoast LSU Fan113 months
That #5for5 crap a couple of years ago isn't looking so bad now. I can't imagine the dysfunction at LSU if Willis and Noil were on the same team at the same time.
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Drizzt113 months
Karma Speedy. Its a real thing.
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rilesrick113 months
But they told him "No Testing ".
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ChexMix113 months
the ole week long spring suspension for failing multiple drug tests but will suit up in the fall routine.
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chRxis113 months
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Chaos_Actual113 months
"Taking time off"

ie suspended.
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Stingray113 months
Chilling with Johnny in rehab
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