If you want to commemorate your big win with a Walmart ‘scoreboard’ cake, have at it Bulldogs...
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Filed Under: SEC Football
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genuineLSUtiger120 months
Would someone really pay sixteen bucks for that thing?
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Doug Masters120 months
This is why you're mississippi state. Instead expecting to win and then preparing for the next game, you bask in the glory too long.
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Rebel Land Shark120 months
They even added the #
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AGoodTexan120 months
This makes me feel good, as an LSU fan, knowing that a win over us is such a big deal...
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11thACR120 months
There is a WalMart in Starkville....Who Knew !
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cwil177120 months
If Les keeps this up, soon it wont be.
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Chicken120 months
This makes me feel good, as an LSU fan, knowing that a win over us is such a big deal...
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