Check out Alabama RB Derrick Henry getting his squat on after practice putting down over 500 pounds...

Filed Under: SEC Football
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jeff5891106 months
@Pianoman Yea, and you were probably a tiny 5'5. Henry is 6'3. that pretty impressive. Us tall guys know the struggle for squating
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Pianoman107 months
Not much for his weight....I did 405 in high school at 150 lbs.
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LSUvet72107 months
Woa..... he bees a bad dude alright ... gonna have to hit him in da' privates wit our helmets and ring his ding dong bro'
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VirgilCaine107 months
LSU fans getting insecure in here.
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PorkRoast107 months
Squatting 500 is not impressive at all for a 240 lb RB. I was at 515 at 203 and not a football player.
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denvertiger107 months
"Crossfit weights"

What's this even mean?
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boxcarbarney107 months
Meh. Not really impressive. I can squat 450 at 200lbs (humble brag), and I'm a white band nerd with no athletic background other than lifting for the past 5 years.
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fisherbm1112107 months
Why is he squatting like that mid season? Is this an old video just surfacing?
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barry107 months
From the posted article "“Academics first,” Fournette, who will major in engineering". Somehow he managed to change to Sports Administration.
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Bama98107 months
LF's ears are tiny. wow
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DVinBR107 months
Size? Check. Leonard Fournette is 6'1" and 225 pounds.

Speed? Check. He clocks in with a 4.35-second 40-yard dash.

Strength? Check. He squats 600 pounds, benches 315, power-cleans 300 and, just for good measure, muscles off 100 push-ups every night to “maintain strength.”

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pellietigersaint107 months
big deal?

So a D-1 football player is squatting over 500 lbs. oooooh, earth shattering

whats next? "man at subway eats steak and cheese with extra pickles" doh....impressive
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Bucktail1107 months
Crossfit weights
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cdav114107 months
id fight him
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DrewDawg13107 months
Chubb weighs less and can do more.
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JermStone107 months
He needs Keiland Williams' calves
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Grim107 months
Not really that much for a RB but for his height that's impressive
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hogminer107 months
Plenty of RB's in the SEC put that weight up. Johnathan Williams did 450 with 1 leg, of course he broke his foot 2 weeks later so I'm not sure it was a good idea.
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saint amant steve107 months
It's better than what I could put up, but I'm not impressed. It would be pretty pathetic if a 240+ lb running back couldn't squat 500 or more.
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9th Green At 9107 months
"I'm impressed"

I bet you are, queer
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