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No reason to suspect any alphabet agency to have any connections....

re: Farage Says No to Deportations

Posted by LSUvet72 on 9/17/24 at 6:19 pm
So simple cut all funding to the bastards and when and if they start to break into homes send them to their judgment...
Yes and falsely told them I was for Biden. Giving a false intention screws up the Dem ridden polls so less Dem voters will come out to vote or vote by illegal ballot ...

re: Diddy denied bail.

Posted by LSUvet72 on 9/17/24 at 5:59 pm
There is some hidden reason Daddy being prosecuted? Did he ever say something nice about Trump?...
People who point evil fingers............suffer Gods judgment...
Jello arse Johnson needs to shut down this corrupt govt for good if they don’t pass Safe Voting Act. Fock this third world BS nation NOW....

re: The pets are beating eaten

Posted by LSUvet72 on 9/17/24 at 5:48 pm
Governor of Ohio could reveal all of these pet adoptions and geese seizures but he’s a Rhino arse who needs to have some of his pets stolen and given to the barbarians to be barbecued ...
Everyone of those story arse communists that think that both assassinations were fake NEED to be doxed...
Comrade Harris and co- comrade Tampon Walt is more faux than a 25 lb bag of buffalo chips...
Only Comrades pose like Comrade Harris did during the debates.... She should be in Hollywood with the other groomers. :spank:...

re: Earpiece

Posted by LSUvet72 on 9/10/24 at 10:32 pm
(No Message)...
Need shade and family prices...... ...
Vivek forgot “ they even tried to kill him” 100% truth....
When did Ochsner open up their multi hundred million Gayle Benson Cancer Center? Did they know that the Covid -19 vaccine contained SV 40 monkey virus that was going to produce a flood of cancer? Seems odd doesn’t it. :spank:...
Charge them and do a Sheriff Papio on them put in tents, pink panties , baloney sandwich’s and if they try to escape they will be shot dead....
Surely not in that old sh*t cage but image a double wide 12 ft wide with A/c and 3/4 “plexiglas sides reinforced with clear engineered supports so he not going into an enclosed typical cage and park it in his habitat and place real steaks inside Mon-Wed - Fri steaks until he thinks it’s no big deal....
Trump needs to post a challenge for her to produce a picture of her ar Mc Donald’s working like a $ 250,000 to the United Fund.....