David Yeazell-USA TODAY Sports
A recent report from The State detailed how Ole Miss outbid South Carolina for Grambling transfer linebacker Andrew Jones.

According to South Carolina Board of Trustees, the Rebels paid double in NIL to land Jones.

“We just competed for a linebacker,” board member Dan Adams said. “We were gonna offer $400,000 and Mississippi took him for $800 (thousand).”

“But, again, you’re playing in the wild, wild West there,” Donati said. “I’m looking at post-July 1.” Adams did not mention a player by name or say where those figures originated.

Filed Under: SEC Football
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optout202016 days
Not understanding why one school outbidding another school for a player is newsworthy
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weremoose17 days
I hate this shite
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RebelTheBear17 days
A 3* transfer LB from Grambling didn't get paid $800k, that's pure clickbait
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Saunson6917 days
Clickbait. No one is paying a Grambling LB $800k
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hubreb17 days
OM beat writer said we didn't pay anything close to 400k
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tide0618 days
$800k for a grambling LB? CFB is dumb.
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Soonerd7817 days
guess you dont know kids get drafted from schools just like this one........ happens alot.
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2017 is the last time a Grambling player was drafted.
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bigDgator18 days
Report details how team oubid another team.

I'm guessing they bid more?
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TheWalrus18 days
We just want the kids to get paid for autograph sessions
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