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re: Cruz once again exceeds expectations

Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:20 pm to
Posted by cardboardboxer
Member since Apr 2012
34486 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:20 pm to

Their only hope is that Bernie beats Hillary up in a bad way in the coming debate, and she still wins.

Meh, all the Republicans have been focused on each other. We don't know how they would handle Hillary or how that could change the polls.

I have a feeling Ted couldn't win vs her, because he would try to run on how legitimately conservative he is and America doesn't give a shite about that. Plus she will tie his policies to Trumps and Ted won't be able to separate from that negative image.

I really think the Republicans best chance in the general election is Trump. Once he focuses on Hillary he will be willing to throw mud at her no one in politics would have the balls to throw, and even though the Washington Elites will see it as sexist it will hit home with the average lower denominator American. "She killed an Ambassador. She is a bad wife, her husband has admitted cheating on her. She lied about this, she lied about that. She bleeds ever month, she is weak. etc."

Hillary is a pretty well known commodity, so anyone paying attention to politics for the last decade knows what she stands for which would cook Cruz's goose. Trump has a way to connect to all those people we aren't usually part of the process, and with that group her gender might be a liability.

We will see I guess.
Posted by cas4t
Member since Jan 2010
71121 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:23 pm to
I wouldn't be shocked if we saw a super delegate shift to Sanders after Wisconsin. Hillary still has the lead, but if she starts losing SD, watch out...

Trump doesn't stand a chance vs Hillary or Sanders IMO.
This post was edited on 4/6/16 at 3:25 pm
Posted by Gradual_Stroke
Bee Cave, TX
Member since Oct 2012
20917 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:24 pm to

I really think the Republicans best chance in the general election is Trump.

Posted by cardboardboxer
Member since Apr 2012
34486 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:28 pm to

Trump doesn't stand a chance vs Hillary or Sanders IMO.

Hillary is a better general election candidate than Sanders, the south still counts too much on the electoral map. Maybe if Sanders won Ohio I could have been convinced, but he didn't. I could see Sanders winning the most votes overall because people in large cities will pile on, but the electoral map isn't as favorable to him.
Posted by 3nOut
Central Texas, TX
Member since Jan 2013
29549 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:38 pm to

Trump doesn't stand a chance vs Hillary or Sanders IMO.

i think Trump stands a chance vs. hillary, but not sanders. i also think that Cruz stands a chance vs. Sanders but not hillary.

i hope that we get sanders vs cruz or hillary vs. trump in the end. it's 4 very very different ideologies that i think would be an interesting to see play out.

Trump vs. Hillary is two under qualified ideologues that have no business sniffing the whitehouse, but would be perfect foils.

Cruz vs. Sanders is two purists going at it; constitutional capitalism vs. socialistic democracy. i think it would be incredibly civil and honest debate.
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:43 pm to

The bigotry displayed by some Christians towards people is simply disgusting.

A lot of people see it this way.
Posted by Dawgholio
Member since Oct 2015
13047 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 3:59 pm to
Posted by Gradual_Stroke
Bee Cave, TX
Member since Oct 2012
20917 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 4:06 pm to

Aside from the fact that Cruz claims to be an evangelical Christian, what evidence is there that Cruz is a "religious weirdo?"

You believe in a fairy tale this much, you're a weirdo.


The majority of Republicans in EVERY, SINGLE STATE don't like Trump as much as you do.

LOL if you believe that.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 4:38 pm to

I have a feeling Ted couldn't win vs her, because he would try to run on how legitimately conservative he is and America doesn't give a shite about that.

I don't think this is the case. Cruz is probably the smartest candidate that GOP has had in a very long time. He knows what it will take to get elected. I surely doubt his general election campaign would be to highlight how far to the right he is. He's just not that dumb.

He knows Hillary's weaknesses and he would certainly exploit those. Cruz' main focus of his campaign from the very beginning has been to destroy the cronyism that goes on in Washington at every level. Hillary is the epitome of Washington cronyism. That would become the focus of the campaign if Cruz is the nominee.


Plus she will tie his policies to Trumps and Ted won't be able to separate from that negative image.

I really think the Republicans best chance in the general election is Trump.

So let me get this straight.... Cruz is not electable because of Trump's policies, but Trump is electable despite his policies? Cruz will somehow not be able to separate himself from Trump's policies, yet Trump will separate himself from his own policies? Do I have that right? Good Lord, I've heard everything now.


"She killed an Ambassador. She is a bad wife, her husband has admitted cheating on her. She lied about this, she lied about that. She bleeds ever month, she is weak. etc."

This is embarrassing. Trump will max out at or below 40% of the Republican vote. The other 60% of Republicans are completely opposed to him because of the circus that he is. Most Americans do not want to watch the office of the presidency sink to a new low that might turn the White House into Keeping up with the Kardashians.

Trump would be a complete disaster. Every general election poll shows Trump to be the weakest candidate against Hillary in a general election. He's burned far too many bridges with women and other major voting blocks to ever reverse the damage. It would be the biggest landslide defeat for a Republican ever. Literally.


Hillary is a pretty well known commodity, so anyone paying attention to politics for the last decade knows what she stands for which would cook Cruz's goose.

This makes about as much sense as your above commentary. Yes, Hillary is well known, but she is also broadly not liked. Even Democrats don't like her. How would that "cook Cruz' goose?"

In blue Pennsylvania, the Quinnipiac poll released today shows Cruz and Hillary tied at 43%.

The poll finds that 32% of Pennsylvania voters view Ted Cruz favorably... 50% unfavorably... for a net favorability of -18%. That is about normal for any Republican in a state like Pennsylvania.

The same poll finds that 35% of Pennsylvania voters view Hillary Clinton favorably... 59% (!) unfavorably... for a net favorability of -24%.

She is viewed unfavorably by 65% of Pennsylvania independents.

I am not trying to say that Ted Cruz doesn't have his flaws.... for goodness sake I voted for Rubio... but anyone who thinks Cruz is more flawed than Clinton needs to get their head examined.


Trump has a way to connect to all those people we aren't usually part of the process, and with that group her gender might be a liability.

If Trump is hoping to be elected President of the United States because of his appeal to the "Being Female is a Liability" voting bloc, then Lord help us.
This post was edited on 4/6/16 at 4:47 pm
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 4:43 pm to

A lot of people see it this way.

Maybe so.

Even still the fact remains. You can criticize a Christian for their faith, and no one bats an eye. It's called, "Everyday American life."

You can criticize a homosexual for their sexual preference, and you are a bigot.
You can criticize a person for their race, and you are a bigot.
You can criticize a non-Christian for their religion, and you are a bigot.

But its open season on criticizing Christians. No judgement whatsoever. The alleged "open-minded" and "tolerant" bunch in this country are actually the least open-minded and tolerant people. They are disgusting.
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 4:44 pm to

The majority of Republicans in EVERY, SINGLE STATE don't like Trump as much as you do.

LOL if you believe that.

Ummm... go check the facts. Over half the country has voted and Trump has not drawn a majority in a single state. Not one. He's running below 37% nationally.
Posted by Gradual_Stroke
Bee Cave, TX
Member since Oct 2012
20917 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 4:45 pm to
frick Christians
Posted by Gradual_Stroke
Bee Cave, TX
Member since Oct 2012
20917 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 4:46 pm to
Trump 2016
Posted by ShaneTheLegLechler
Member since Dec 2011
60972 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 4:52 pm to

I don't understand why conventional wisdom would suggest Trump would do well there. Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, and the GOP establishment are heavily entrenched and motivated in Wisconsin. Couple that with local talk radio being at the forefront of the Never Trump movement, and this was a perfect storm of coalescing behind one candidate to beat Trump.

I love how former faces of the Tea Party are now seen as the "establishment". Really makes me sad for the once great Republican Party but it's in fricking shambles and so disorganized. In two or four years there will be another movement or candidate that divides it once again and fricks up any chance this country has of getting a Republican in office, hopefully it doesn't frick up holding Congress before then
Posted by Kentucker
Cincinnati, KY
Member since Apr 2013
19351 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 7:59 pm to

But its open season on criticizing Christians

Only those self-proclaimed Christians who want special rights; special treatment of those special rights. Only those people who don't want to participate in American society unless they get to call the shots.

Only those self-proclaimed Christians who aren't satisfied with the rights the Constitution guarantees them and everyone else. Only those who have made Christianity a de facto political party but still want tax-free status.

Only those self-proclaimed Christians who show bigotry towards people who are protected by the Constitution. Only those people who attempt to make the Bible the determinant of civil law rather than the Constitution.

To all those self-proclaimed Christians I say, "Practice your faith but keep it out of government. You're not the only people who live in this country."
Posted by cas4t
Member since Jan 2010
71121 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 8:10 pm to

The alleged "open-minded" and "tolerant" bunch in this country are actually the least open-minded and tolerant people. They are disgusting.

You are so fricking out of touch, it's laughable.
Posted by TT9
Global warming
Member since Sep 2008
82952 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 9:05 pm to
Cruz has a 0 percent chance of winning anything presidential wise.

I love that fact the most because the scumbag conservatives like Faux News, Obese Rush etc. Love him.

Faux News is my liberals best friend.
Posted by Mars duMorgue
Sunset Dist/SF
Member since Aug 2015
2816 posts
Posted on 4/6/16 at 9:12 pm to
You mean he went a whole media cycle without lying?
Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 4/7/16 at 2:41 pm to

Only those self-proclaimed Christians who want special rights; special treatment of those special rights.

Like what? Who are these Christians and what are these "special rights" you are talking about. I honestly have no clue what you are getting at.


Only those self-proclaimed Christians who aren't satisfied with the rights the Constitution guarantees them and everyone else

Again, be specific. What rights are these "special rights" you are talking about. I am a Christian, and I know the constitution gives me every right I would ever need when it comes to religion. What rights outside of the constitution are these so called Christians demanding? I think you have created a fake debate in your head.

I can tell you that the Constitution is not the problem. I can tell you that there is a problem with those folks who want to turn the phrase "Freedom of Religion"... which is not once even mentioned in the Constitution by the way... into "Freedom from Religion." There is no provision in the Constitution that states that some individual has the right to never see evidence of other people's faith. All of these people who act offended by seeing a cross are the ones who are asking for special rights that are no where in the constitution.


Only those self-proclaimed Christians who show bigotry towards people who are protected by the Constitution

Again, bigotry is a term often thrown around these days to fit one's own personal belief system. Who gets to decide what is bigoted and what is not?

I love all people no matter what choices they make. That doesn't mean I'm ordered by the Constitution to condone and celebrate every decision those people make though.

Why is it bigoted for someone like myself to think that marriage between a man and a woman creates a healthier society. Those are my own personal thoughts. I have no problem with homosexuals. They can do whatever they want. That doesn't mean I have to think that there is no difference between their choices and mine.

I travel quite a bit to the Northeast, and I've been in situations in which just casually mentioning the fact I go to church causes people to visibly turn their nose up at me. No mention of beliefs or even my faith. Just simply the word "church" apparently tells these people everything they need to know about me, and they automatically stereotype me because of it. Yet if I reacted the exact same way to some of those people's personal choices, that would make me the bigot.

How come others can stereotype me for my faith and my poltics, but I can't dare stereotype them (which I'm not even wanting to do by the way). It's a complete double standard.


To all those self-proclaimed Christians I say, "Practice your faith but keep it out of government. You're not the only people who live in this country."

I think this is a giant paper tiger argument that is constantly made into being a much bigger deal than it is. The Supreme Court last year went against over half of the state constitutions in this country to declare that gay marriage was a federal right. Far more than half of the people that live in most Southern states personally disagreed with that decision. Yet I never saw one protest. I never saw a single sign or poster in a yard decrying the decision. I barely even heard people discuss it at work. Yet social libs like you try to pretend that people are literally thumping bibles in their face every single day when they walk down the street and telling them they are going to hell. It's just not the case. This doesn't happen in everyday life.

Social conservatives just want to live their lives and be able to believe what they believe without facing bigotry just like homosexuals do. Let me have my faith without creating a fake atmosphere as if their is a bigot on every corner waiting to scream at you. It's just not the case.

Posted by BHMKyle
Birmingham, AL
Member since Feb 2013
5076 posts
Posted on 4/7/16 at 2:47 pm to

frick Christians

Here's a perfect example.

This "Gradual_Stroke" character can say "frick Christians" and its just accepted as normal behavior.

Yet if a Christian starts saying "frick unbelievers" or criticizing people because they aren't Christians, that makes them a first class bigot.

There is far more stereotyping and nonacceptance in our society towards Christians and/or conservatives than most any other people group.

Had I simply said "frick all you people who aren't Christians" there would have been major backlash on this board.... yet if its the other way around its just a normal post.
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