Ole Miss QB Chad Kelly Shows Off Arm Throwing Football Over 70 Yards
Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
Ole Miss QB Chad Kelly showed off his arm over thee weekend posting this video on Instagram of him throwing a football over 70 yards...

Filed Under: Ole Miss Sports
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SwayzeBalla104 months
Very weak comments IMO
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rockytop627104 months
Will be interesting to see who picks him up after OM's death penalty
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GeeOH104 months
Also, did he cry afterwards
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GeeOH104 months
Good, he'll be throwing plenty of hail Mary passes this year. Was She Patterson filming? He'll need to learn this too
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PeteRose104 months
It doesn't matter if you don't have the right head on you as a QB. Sure, throwing the ball 70+ yards is neat and fun to see. But what percent of this passes requires 70+ yards at the NFL level? I'd say less than half a percent.
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Schmelly104 months
But can he out throw sanctions?
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mulletproof104 months
Meh, hit the middle of the screen hanging down from the superdome roof like Bo did in 1983 and then come talk to me.
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LSUPhreaK104 months
Print the shirts and hang the banner.
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Honest Tune104 months
What a chad.
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TigerFanatic99104 months
Easy pick for our backfield
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BeauxTieTiger104 months
I heard that wind
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Mr Fusion104 months
But how far can he throw it from his knees?
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saint amant steve104 months
He's no JaMarcus.
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pellietigersaint104 months
prolly spends alot of time on his knees at ole missy frat parties
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SwayzeBalla104 months
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