On top of being Ole Miss' head coach, Lane Kiffin is dad. And dad's respond like this when their daughter's drop over $700 at the mall...

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Filed Under: Ole Miss Sports
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SomeLSUguy25 months
That appears to be a genuine response... Good to see Joey Freshwater puts his pants on like the rest of us.
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CeasarA29126 months
I feel his pain. I shake anytime my wife and daughter go out shopping.
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cubsfan515026 months
Why does he have an NC State hat on?
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ApexTiger26 months
Keep it real coach
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Tigers4Lyfe26 months
"I don't know", then immediately proceeds to tell the exact amount.
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kkv7526 months
The sister said the amount. Dummy.
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Tigers4Lyfe26 months
@kkv75 frick you bitch. I don't know their family dynamic.
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real turf fan26 months
Damn, I'm going to have to thank Lane for the best laugh so far this July.
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TigerintheHood26 months
I have 2 daughters. That stuff is out of control. These girls can spend some money.
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ExpoTiger26 months
Lane has grown on me. Used to think he was a chode
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Rex Feral26 months
I didn't know people still shopped at malls.
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LSUrme26 months
What else you going to do in North Mississippi?
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Tigers4Lyfe26 months
@LSUrme Shop Amazon?
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SomeLSUguy25 months
You think they have malls in North Mississippi?!?! They have catfish, corn, and cotton fields across the delta... I would almost promise you they are in a destination spot, far from N. Mississippi.
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MaxxPain226 months
I want to hate Lane...but I just cant.
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DVinBR26 months
$700 at a mall is quite easy to do nowadays
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Jwils26 months
So is getting shot in the head.
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OSoBad26 months
Pretty good, these guys are normal folks, he freaks like the rest of us would.
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cwil17726 months
Kiffin’s Krimson Korner is still the best Lane Kiffin content out there.
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CanebreakCajun26 months
Like below, the more and more I see of him, the more I like him.
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Zoso26 months
Lane is entertaining and good for football. Funny, but not obnoxious
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Skinny26 months
Dad, i spent all your money. You're broke.
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Deuces26 months
Yeah. No more shopping for the next year with Daddy’s credit card, sweetheart.
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djangochained26 months
He’s a baw
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Placekicker26 months
The more I see of him, the more I like him. Nice shorts, btw.
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PureBlood26 months
He seems like a decent guy
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