Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
Now that the charges against Alabama offensive tackle Cam Robinson and defensive back Hootie Jones have been dropped, many want to know what punishment the two athletes will face.

According to, punishment has already been handed down to the two players:

According to the documents, both players have had to undergo weekly urine tests, have had regular drug counseling, have monthly video appointments with a mental health consultant and have had to meet twice a week with a Tuscaloosa police officer for gun safety/ownership education.

They also both have had to complete 20 hours of community service.

In addition, Robinson has spent at least 26 hours riding along with the Northport Police Department while Jones had to spend 21 days in a drug rehab program, per the documents.
Robinson and Jones have been suspended indefinitely since May, but it is known at this time if they will miss any games when the season starts.
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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LSUFanMizeWay103 months
Satan will suspend both for the entire season.
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Herman Frisco103 months
EazyBreesy, You seem upset. Read the DAs report. The Parish had no case. What they received from Saban should teach both players a life lesson. That is a good thing.
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ATL-TIGER-732103 months
"meet twice a week with a Tuscaloosa police officer for gun safety/ownership education" So they are teaching them how to properly shoot people? Whatever happened to "Just say no!"?
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SpookeyTiger103 months
This is why the behavior continues; they know nothing is going to happen. Sad really. This "punishment" = ROFL.
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Big Sway103 months
Amen Dreaux! But a stolen weapon is a little different.
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dreaux103 months
Honestly seems pretty fair.
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EazyBreesy103 months
Seems fair? Any other kid that's gets arrested for that sees jail time, fines, their record permanently fricked, fired from their job. And it doesn't say anywhere on there about what happens if they don't go.
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dreaux103 months
They would've almost certainly received as first time offenders... deferred adjudication. No jail time and sealed or expunged upon completion. And I say "seems pretty fair relative to my own beliefs that pot should be legal and guns is a basic American right. We could arrgue the points all day but I's my opinion
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Cadello103 months
Heard both had sore wrists after the punishment was handed down.
user avatar
JCinBAMA103 months
I knew most of the comments, would be Salty.
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HarryBalzack103 months
Did Cam get to ride up front?
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Lordofwrath88103 months
God that sounds.... boring
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ColoradoElkHerd103 months
Several years ago two of Sumlin's starters were arrested for guns and weed. They were Dismissed, as in gone forever, the next day.
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SECdragonmaster103 months
Missed games is all that matters to athletes. Sabben is a soft biotch.
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MykTide103 months
A biotch you would love if he coached your team.
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Sancho Panza103 months
He couldn't win, coaching my team.
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Placebeaux103 months
Punishment will be suspension from the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers game
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Rakim103 months
Sounds good to me.
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Spankum103 months
the LSU fan in me sure would like to see these guys disappear from the bama football team....but this honestly sounds right in line with the way Les would handle it if these guys were our players.
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LSUbest103 months
Perhaps - but where is a comparable example...Perilloux, it seems, was treated harsher.
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SwayzeBalla103 months
Nick Saban is soft
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AUbagman103 months
I don't mind this. Most people get put into a diversion program with a first offense, regardless of status. I'd rather see actual rehabilitation rather than just tossing them in jail and ensuring their lives are ruined. Hopefully this is the wake up call they need and will appreciate it.
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offshoretrash103 months
The only problem I have with this is they had a stolen gun and I would bet any amount of money they knew it was stolen. This is what they should have been charged for not slapped on the hand. No one else would have gotten away with that.
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Hugo Stiglitz103 months
Guns and drugs can't even get you kicked off the team at Alabama, if you're good enough.
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