The Saban family were in Disneyland for the holidays as Nick Saban's daughter Kristen showed checked in from California's iconic Disney California Adventure Park...

(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Pelican fan9913 months
what on earth is going on with those legs
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TigerCoon13 months
she has legs like a middle-aged chicken
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ExpoTiger13 months
That looks like a completely different human being
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Chip8213 months
Saban is destined to be an ESPN analyst. And guess who owns ESPN?

Where are you going after the committee decision coach? Could it be Disneyland?
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Deplorable Duke13 months
She should wear long pants
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cajunmud13 months
@Violent Hip Swivel, this wouldn't show up under your post so I'll put it here.

I think it's more of a 15 year old's mentality here. There's a cocky lil 15 yo self-centered lil bastard inside of all of us and it's just fun to let him out sometime. I'm sure none of us want to hurt anyone and we damn sure wouldn't be critiquing females' looks UNLESS we were anonymous. Ain't none of us could hold up to the scrutiny we put them thru...haha.

None of them read this site, so there is that level of protection. It's just adolescent fun that most of us have lost. IMO.
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Violent Hip Swivel13 months
Makes sense. Fair enough!
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scrooster13 months
Don't bring Cocky into this. We're a basketball school.
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ThatTahoeOverThere13 months
She has middle aged uptown St Charles jogger legs
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Smoke Test13 months
St Charles has an uptown?
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RightWingTiger13 months
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BGLAVI213 months
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LSU Tiger Eyes13 months
Oh my, 'dem some fuggly legs!
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BurrowToChase13 months
Lots of ugly slimeballs
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cypresstiger13 months
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Trashy family
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Shooter13 months
I'm sure your family is top notch!
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ChineseBandit5813 months
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Luke13 months
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Sp072813 months
They left out Kiffin?
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RealityWinsOut13 months
every guy that thought having Sabans daughter as a notch on their bedpost was worth bragging about, is sanding that line out so no one finds out/remembers.

Damn those are about the worse legs I've seen in a very long time.
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Shooter13 months
You must not leave the house much! I've seen worse legs yesterday at Walmart.
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RealityWinsOut13 months
I leave plenty, just not your same stomping grounds. Walmart...:face-palm:
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Violent Hip Swivel13 months
The number of grown men in these comments so interested in nitpicking people's appearance ("His son looks like a tool. The daughter needs some pants on in photos, etc.") is the most woman-like shite ever.

American men didn't always have these conversations. Its all part of the blurring of gender lines and the neutering of the American male.
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LouisianimaI13 months
Yet, here you are running your mouth like a women. Men used to not care what others had to say about trivial things.
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Violent Hip Swivel13 months
Reminds me of watching an awards show with my grandmother when I was a little kid. She would call up her friend and they'd critique and nitpick how everybody looked and gossip like school girls.

I'm thinking that one too many dudes in these comments grew up watching too much Queer Eyes For Straight Guys and not enough football!
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LouisianimaI13 months
Haha, yet here you are making judgments like a women. Maybe you stayed with grandma too much.
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Dingeaux13 months
She definitely looks better thinner. Ozempic did some work
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Shaq4prez13 months
Why is she flexing her thighs in both pics? ew
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mpwilging13 months
Sorry Mom, I had to make a comment...
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