Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:94
Registered on:12/16/2022
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When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
As I recall the bars in Nashville literally ran OUT of alcohol the last time LSU played there.

re: It's funny

Posted by Smoke Test on 9/2/24 at 12:00 pm
Jeez dude. 0-5 in openers. BK needs to get Alabama States number. You only get props for playing a tough team if you win. This is the SEC, not Rec ball.
59-39-7 UT isn’t a rival anymore. More like a warmup.
1st offense: turn in your Charger for a Prius
2nd offense: turn in the Prius for a mint 1974 AMC pacer.
That’d stop almost anyone.

So if the schools have to share their revenue with the players in football and basketball, do all the other sports athletes have to share the schools losses? Hey Buffy, we’re going to need a check for $6k for our field hockey losses.
The schools just hate revenue sharing. It costs them money. It’s the only way out though. Share revenue, collectively bargain, sign contracts. Works in the NFL.

Oh. It was never NIL. It’s been pay for play the whole time.

My you rot in h3ll Ed O’bannon.
I vote for having lights on his receivers which flash when they are open.
He and Joab Thomas did everything they could to ruin Alabama football. Sorry he passed and prayers for his family but he was a mixed bag for Bama.

re: Punt Returner next Fall?

Posted by Smoke Test on 4/15/24 at 7:03 pm
It was a joke. Didn’t mean to upset you.

re: Punt Returner next Fall?

Posted by Smoke Test on 4/15/24 at 12:21 pm
We aren’t planning on punting. We are going to average 140 points/gm.
Are we down to quoting barners who live in Georgia’s opinions now? Sallee doesn’t know his xxx from a hole in the ground about Bama.
Is there something wrong with that? Most Bama fans love football and spring football. We appreciate greatness and over the years that has been Kentucky. We’re getting onboard with basketball but it still is secondary. That help clear it up for you?
Well, it’s Troy Vincent’s idea so of course it’s stupid. He’s a moron.
I get the little brother deal from barn, vawl, and corndog but what’s up with these Georgia fans that can’t give up little brother status even when they’ve won a couple? They live on Bama posts and articles.
The only retro I wanna see is the OL blocking like 2012.
Does that have anything at all to do with the stats? Facts don’t care about your feelings sweetie. Now run get me a beer and leave the football to the menfolk.