According to a report from On3, the grandson of legendary Alabama head coach Bear Bryant, QB Paul Tyson, is reportedly transferring from Arizona State. Where to young buck?
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Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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soccerfüt26 months
Serious family money there. Plus everyone knowing who you are. Most folks would’ve probably stayed in his guaranteed spot on the roster at Bama and never seen the field but been the off-field king of campus. Just an observation.
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buckfammer26 months
Is he an alcoholic too?
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Cheese Grits26 months
Arizona State, #1 in STD's. Probably got the clap.
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jlnoles7926 months
LOL at that pic of Bear
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BobABooey26 months
I wonder if he has a drinking problem, too?
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Kipsgto26 months
I don’t know bob Was you dad a prick too???
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cctiger6026 months
what's wrong with you the Bear didn't have any problems drinking!
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ThatTahoeOverThere26 months
He drops back and beats his wife
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TouchdownTony26 months
Great Grandson...Great, not grandson.
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tigerterrace26 months
Nothing great about him
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memphisplaya26 months
I read this as “transitioning”

Thanks pop culture
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AtlantaLSUfan26 months
Me too. Media brainwashes us.
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wallowinit26 months
why is this news?
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JackieTreehorn26 months
Nice recent pic of Bear Bryant there Larry.
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