Soobum Im-USA TODAY Sports
Earlier this week, Texas A&M defensive coordinator John Chavis had a bold prediction, saying that the Aggies will win a National Championship soon.

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No. 6 Texas A&M (6-0, 4-0) plays No. 1 Alabama (7-0, 4-0) this Saturday at 3:20pm CT on CBS.
Filed Under: Texas A&M Sports
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Masterag94 months
Lol. fricking Nostradamus
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molsusports95 months
There's nothing wrong with confidence. They are greatly improved on defense compared to recent years.
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c on z95 months
It certainly won't happen with him at DC.
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easy money95 months
No thanks to Chavis though. Just barely staying in the top 100 defenses in the nation.
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BamaGradinTn95 months
DJ Hall just caught another pass.
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TigerCoon95 months
oh Chavis, you goofy bastard.
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RBWilliams895 months
Nice "not necessa this year" to cover his arse. He was right about that at least.
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lsuson95 months
Haha good one
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LATigerBoss95 months
not as long as they have 3rd and Chavis and fourth quarter prevent D.
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Just_Fight_Baby95 months
Gave up almost 700 yards against Tennessee, at home. Hey Chief! Best of luck in under 12 hours!
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BoudreauxinGA95 months
In cow tipping and goat humping....this it!
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FaCubeItches95 months
Given that he put absolutely no time restriction whatsoever on it, yeah, it's a distinct possibility.
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Jumbo_Gumbo95 months
I hope the championship game doesn't come down to A&M on defense in a 3rd down situation.
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shotcaller195 months
My jar is full
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Bengaltyger4life95 months
A&M better keep a close eye on coach Chavis. He is delusional which maybe an early sign of him going senile.
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OGTiger95 months
I remember when I enrolled at Baylor in 1986 Grant Teaff "guaranteed" we would win the Southwest Conference title before we graduated. Of course, we never did. Chief is a bloviator.
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ctiger6995 months
Has not happened in the last 80 years. But ok.
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MikeyInTheHam95 months
2077 Book it.
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supersaints995 months
He must be off the wagon again. Chavis the choke artist
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Beaux95 months
He says they will win one, not this year but it will happen. ....One that doesn't include him necessarily, Two it could be 50 years from now and Three it's not that bold
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