Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Soviet Monica, People's Republic CA
Occupation:Effing the ineffable
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Registered on:9/21/2012
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re: Time to Pay the Piper

Posted by FaCubeItches on 1/13/22 at 12:45 am

Get it on your face. Only then you will be absolved.

Seems like a tramp stamp would also be acceptable.

re: Cook and Zeus

Posted by FaCubeItches on 1/13/22 at 12:21 am

Cook and Zeus

Sounds like buddy cop show.

re: Fan Reactions to Ringo’s INT

Posted by FaCubeItches on 1/13/22 at 12:20 am

most passionate fan base

Until you fight a war over your team, 3rd most passionate.
- El Salvador and Honduras soccer fans

I'm waiting for a version of the "You broke my heart, Fredo" for that pic with Kirby & Saban.

Nah, needs the Darth Vader: "We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master."
Hearing some guy walking down Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills today alternating the "U-G-A" and "S-E-C" chant all by himself. Wish I could have gotten out of the office to see who it was. Fairly certain copious amounts of alcohol and certain processed Andean flora were involved.

Stetson might be fricked to death by uga coeds.

Nah, he'll be fine. He already survived getting fricked by about half of the fan base for most of his career.

re: Beat #1 and #2

Posted by FaCubeItches on 1/11/22 at 4:33 am
Years ago, I got to meet one of the guys from the 1994 Rangers Stanley Cup team - the first Rangers to win the Cup since 1940. Other teams' fans had always chanted "1940" at the Rangers. The night the Rangers won the Cup, the Rangers and their fans did one last "1940" chant at MSG to bury it for g

re: JT Daniels

Posted by FaCubeItches on 1/11/22 at 1:18 am

"We need an elite QB to win a championship"

They were right.
- Stetson Bennett IV
And don't forget, he bungled the QB situation with a GENERATIONAL TALENT!!! (Albeit a GENERATIONAL TALENT that couldn't do what a former walk-on did, but still....a GENERATIONAL TALENT!)

re: Stetson can’t do it

Posted by FaCubeItches on 1/11/22 at 1:11 am
Have I not said that anyone with such a noble moniker as Stetson Bennett IV can do naught but lead our chaps to victory and glory? By Jove and by thunder, I shall buy that man a room-temperature gin this very evening!

Chin-chin, dear boy. Well played. Very well played, indeed.


Fake narrative.

Which is also a fake narrative.

“We” refers to the rant.

Yes, the irrelevant people in determining who starts as QB.

The relevant ones - the players and coaches - respectfully disagreed. And since those are the ones who actually make the decision...

Most preferred JT

Excluding the coaching staff and team, apparently.

I do believe they go in feeling disrespected.

- Bama

The team wants Stet.

Pfft. Like they know better than part of the fanbase and some hot take sportscasters.

because there will be nobody else out there besides him

Well, going iron man football with only Stetson on the field is certainly an unexpected gambit.


Used to date a Calvary cheerleader

Longinus? Kinky...

He won't make in the NFL and probably won't get drafted

Well, you say that...
- NY Jets

Because it would be disgusting and stupid to somehow think CKS has some racial motivation when determining who starts at which positions.

Didn't a certain GENERATIONAL TALENT pretty much make that exact argument to the NCAA? We kind of got presented as the University of Georgia F