Apparently these peeps have had enough. Here's a pic of a library on campus that is having a problem with students yelling ‘Roll Tide’...

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Now, can we put this sign over America?
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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thatdude1985127 months
I would love to talk to Larry about what he thinks is real and not real. Larry seems to be below average IQ. Larry....why so tarded?
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blue_morrison127 months
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DoubleDown127 months
TIGERSby10 - Bama is ahead of LSU in every category in academics according to the major rankings indexes of those things. Might wanna do a little research before you try and take shots.

Drops mic.
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spslayto127 months
I could have gone to the library, put the sign on the door, and then snapped a pic of it. Much ado about nothing, as are most of these headlines.
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mkibod1127 months
I wonder if all the books in said library are colored in or not...?
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TIGERSby10127 months
How will they say any of the following to each other though:

Like it matters. You won't find a Bama student in a library anyway.
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cokebottleag127 months
How will they say any of the following to each other though:

I agree with this
You are doing well
I am happy
This is encouraging
Pass that book on macro-economics
Praise be to God
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