Johnny Manziel is on the Tonight Show this evening with Megan Fox. Manziel tweeted...

"Not a bad night with Megan Fox on the Tonight’s Show!"

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Filed Under: SEC Sports
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lsu53143 months
how old is he? 50?
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SanDiegeauxSteve144 months
She's an ignorant twat. Can't handle raising her baby with her husband so had to hire a nurse. GMAFB! These liberal celebrities can't relate to common people at all.
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ShlikStyck144 months
Hammer thumbs is correct. I thought maybe I was the only one who noticed that or even cared. Bet it creeps you out when her hands are all over the package...uwwwww
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pellietigersaint144 months
ok driftwood stalker. So I dont know exactly how old he is. You get the message I was delivering. I dont give a crap if he gets better or worse, LSU will own this series. deal with it now and it wont sting so bad next year.
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ForeverLSU02144 months
Ha, just like he ran around on LSU this year
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DriftwoodAg144 months
JFF is 20, not 18..and you guys just keep hoping and wishing for a sophomore jinx, cause otherwise, he will run circles around SEC on his way to a couple of MNC and maybe, just maybe, another Heisman.
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pellietigersaint144 months
my guess is that instant stardom will wreck his sophomore season. Thats alot of pub for a 18 yr old to handle.
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mytigger144 months
You can't help but like this guy.
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otowntiger144 months
That dude could easily pass for 35, maybe even 40 years old. Gonna look really old when he gets there. LOL.
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mboudreaux144 months
hammer thumbs
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PsychTiger144 months
Still won't get me to watch Leno.

Team Coco ftw!
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texastigers11144 months
Lucky SOB..
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TigerStick144 months
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