Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:LSU alum, Baton Rouge native
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Registered on:1/4/2004
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Basketball makes infinitely more money and is way more important than baseball. We’ve won 7 national titles and it barley breaks makes a profit
No, it’s about coaching ability.

re: Woodward…

Posted by otowntiger on 2/9/25 at 5:51 am
lol- That is the kind of hires he likes to make.

I've gotten 3 natty's in my lifetime in football and a 7 in baseball. Loved 'em all but I want a men's hoops title before I die - because I do GAF!!
me too!!

national title in men’s basketball would be worth 10 million dollars at minimum for LSU. A national title in baseball is worth breaking even. And I’m a baseball fan too. It’s just the actual landscape in college athletics.
. This! A basketball natty is worth waaay more than a litt

Couldn't give less of af about men's nor women's hoops
:rolleyes: smh
It sure does. This sentimental old man often gets misty eyed thinking about it. Especially when I think of things we didn’t do or stupid things I did do or say, but also good times we had that are long gone. I often wish I could go back in time even just for a short while to do something different
Based on what he’s accomplished I don’t see how you could put much higher.

That’s sad AF. Prayers to Greg and family. Also a terrible look for BK and LSU.
certainly is- especially bad on BK- he can’t even be bothered to call and check up on his player? Very sad and very bad look for LSU.

The sin was not the initial hire
no the sin was the initial hire because of the damn contract he gave him. We are probably locked in with this guy for two more years of this crap. The good thing is I suppose since we are at rock bottom maybe it can’t get any worse?

Hired him knowing in 4 years we’d be shopping again,
if that’s the case- why in the freaking world give him that kind of a contract? It’s utterly disastrous. The hire was obviously bad but the contract is a catastrophe.

Woodward doesn't care about men's basketball.
I’m not sure about this but I AM sure that he is clueless when it comes to contract negotiations, and possibly incompetent at selecting the right coach in general.

had an outdoor cat that rehomed herself. Showed up with a brand spanking new collar one day and only comes by for a visit every few weeks now.
lol! That’s pretty funny! In reality I think a lot of cats do that. I’ve often wondered how many owners outdoor cats have.

re: Most unlikeable opposing QB?

Posted by otowntiger on 1/31/25 at 6:19 pm
John Bond at MSU- late 70’s early 80’s. He ran the wishbone to perfection and we could never stop it. I think he beat us 3 or 4 years in a row. And state was pretty bad otherwise but in those days they had our number.

I use my phone more than my card because typically my phone is already in my hand.
I feel that using my phone is now old school- I pay now mostly with my watch.

re: LSU Basketball

Posted by otowntiger on 1/23/25 at 4:01 am

13 of the 16 teams in the SEC have been ranked at some point this year.
just genuinely curious- since I’ve not been paying close attention who are the other 2 cellar dwellers with us?