Alabama arranged for eight real-life elephants, including one wearing an oversized hound’s tooth hat and waving an Alabama flag with its trunk, to parade by SEC headquarters in Birmingham on their way to Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, for a special tribute to the Tide’s 2012 BCS title. There's a video of it here.

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blueridge144 months
When I read the headline I thought Bama was sending a delegation of Co-eds to the SEC offices.
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TigerJeff144 months
2012: LSU (FL, So Car.) Ala. (TN, Mizzou)
2013: LSU (GA, FL) Ala. (TN, KY)

Why the rest of the league puts up w/ this sh!t is beyond me. Move the office.
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Evolved Simian144 months
TBoy - There were quite a few bengal tigers at the SEC office that day. This was the Ringling Bros. parade route from the rail yard to the arena. The circus folk thought it would be cute to put a hat on one of the elephants as an homage to the home team.

It's really amazing how stupid some LSU fans actually are. Keep up the conspiracy theories, guys. You have become a constant source of entertainment for the rest of the conference.
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plutonium55145 months
Do always stutter tigergal????

Oh I am fully aware of Alabama past and also of yours so be careful throwing stone at us while you are inside your glass house.

BTW: Notre Dame score 14 points in the BCSNCG......and you?????
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OKCGeauxTigerGal145 months
George Wallace! Stop dissing Huey P. Long.
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OKCGeauxTigerGal145 months
Hey George Wallace, don't dis Huey P. Long.
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OKCGeauxTigerGal145 months
Hey George Wallace, don't dis Huey P. Long.
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zappgator145 months
It's official. Bama controls the SEC office. Anybody surprised?
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TBoy145 months
Perhaps we should bring six bengal tigers to the SEC offices and let them run around a while.
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scrooster145 months
This is nothing new. The REC are regulars in the SEC's B-Ham offices - there are always RECers parading through there.
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Fenwick86145 months
RTOTA, no thanks needed. Its obvious Bama organized this parade in front of SEC headquarters to give thanks as none of this would have happened without them. You have every right to be absolutely pumped about your recent success but if I were a Bama fan, this would embarrass me.
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bunky145 months
At least notre dame can score against Bama in the big game."

Garbage time TDs don't count.
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Hugo Stiglitz145 months
This was probably not the best idea.
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GeauxPack81145 months
I want to bring real tigers to Alabama
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Florida225145 months
"I'm surprised they didn't smash our titles since they are all over the place, dur dur dur, roll tide."
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Bob Loblah145 months
Had to drop off the check
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Titus Pullo145 months
Sorry for partying.
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Geauxld Finger145 months
What a dumb as shite idea this is.
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RTOTA145 months
LSU fans, I want to thank you again for how much more enjoyable you've made it for Bama fans this season, considering the barners, although also butthurt, were nowhere to be found.
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TigerJeff145 months
guess they stopped by to say thanks to the SEC heads of officiating and scheduling, both Univ. of Ala. grads. Move the office
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