Favorite team:US Space Force 
Biography:“You don’t create a wild fantasy about your leader being a covert genius unless you understand that to most people, he looks like something quite different.”
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Registered on:12/11/2007
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Phyllis Shlafly had a gay son. Many of the most anti-gay opportunists have close gay family members, and yet they still spew their crap to get attention and get cred in right wing media....

re: Biden seen in public today

Posted by TBoy on 7/23/24 at 7:27 pm
[quote]From a political standpoint he did when he dropped out of the race because Trump was beating him too badly.[/quote] He dropped out because he couldn’t finish a sentence. Kinda like trump ...
Vance is a candidate for the base. He doesn’t have crossover appeal. Overall, he’s not a bad choice ...

re: Biden seen in public today

Posted by TBoy on 7/23/24 at 1:13 pm
The PoliBoard said he died yesterday....

re: They tried to assassinate Trump!

Posted by TBoy on 7/23/24 at 6:55 am
The problem with the “THEY TRIED” is that there is no “they.” There’s just a local loner kid who took his father’s gun. Exactly who can Trump say “they” is? If he just pops off and says Hillary or Kamala tried to assassinate him, he comes off as a loon. This isn’t the effective political strategy...

re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by TBoy on 7/22/24 at 7:50 pm
[quote]She cant distance herself from Biden's policies during the election.[/quote] While she certainly [i]can[/i], it is very unlikely. Harris has been invisible for four years. That’s a poor resume for chief executive. ...

re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by TBoy on 7/22/24 at 7:47 pm
[quote]If Harris is more incompetent that Biden which I believe is likely than Ukraine fights until it runs out of men and women.[/quote] Trump is a potential real problem, and Kamala is generally weak and cautious in everything. It is in the U.S.’ interest to contain a militarily aggressive Ru...

re: Salma Hayek is 57 years old!

Posted by TBoy on 7/22/24 at 7:42 pm
[quote]Kneel and worship![/quote] ZZ Top? What the hell were they thinking?...
[quote]What’s this mean?[/quote] I think it means that since his father is not running for reelection, appearances don’t matter as much....

re: Let’s discuss colonizing Mars. Why?

Posted by TBoy on 7/22/24 at 3:42 am
Are you speaking of Barsoom? It’s our home ...
[quote]Notice there is nothing in the rules about states having to call new primary elections to nominate a different candidate.[/quote] Remember, we the people elect the electors, not the candidate. The electors are elected. ...
It’s straight out of Idiocracy. But it won’t hurt the Republicans. ...
When the shooter is a 20 year old who lives at home and has to take his father’s gun that day, he isn’t part of a professional organized conspiracy. The simple explanation is the most likely. He was a loner kid loser who had access to guns, who wanted to become immortal famous. Sometimes these...
[quote]Another suburban white woman wants Trump shot[/quote] People are crazy. Maybe the real problem here is taking a flippant comment from a random person at a state fair and making that comment the subject of national news stories. Who cares what some random anonymous lady said at a state fa...
[quote]Sniper killed would-be Trump assassin with 'one-in-a-million shot'[/quote] Don’t know about that. This is the difference between a 20 year old kid who’s took his father’s gun and a professional sniper. It’s a world of difference. ...
[quote]There was the report that it was glass that cut his ear. You can’t tell by watching the video[/quote] There are always a minimum of two of those when someone is speaking. But I would venture to guess that neither of us will ever be allowed to personally examine the ear to know for sure. E...
[quote]Well obviously it’s coming from somewhere, numbnuts. But why is nothing else ever wet? My hat can be on the front passenger seat or the back floorboard or on the backseat and it gets wet. But none of those spots ever get wet on their own.[/quote] Magic gnomes?...

re: How many shooters were there really?

Posted by TBoy on 7/20/24 at 4:30 am
So in a month the PoliBoard regulars will deem the “proven,” and will shout down anyone who says otherwise. ...