Looks like the new SEC Network crew did a little team bonding over the weekend. ESPN cutie Kaylee Hartung took this selfie with Tim Tebow, and what looks to be Marcus Spears and Joe Tessitore and tweeted it...
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Johnny3tears122 months
Tebow is looking small
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MrTide33122 months
Paul finebaum got much more attractive
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Diddles122 months
Is that Bob Saget?
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stevo1905122 months
Are those jorts?
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AGoodTexan122 months
In that case, my apologies.
Larry Leo is a champ
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runningTiger122 months
larry leo approved
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AGoodTexan122 months
"anyone notice she only has one eye?"

Probably the lamest comment of the year. Not even a chuckle
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runningTiger122 months
anyone notice she only has one eye?
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TeamWillow122 months
"I don't always look FaF when I am in a canoe, but when I do..."
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Big Sway122 months
That's C Black.
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Rustontiger43122 months
thats Spears for sure
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SECSolomonGrundy122 months
you know she'd let Tebow take her back behind a tree and make her squeal like a pig. Only question is would he do it.
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Dingeaux122 months
man, that seems like it would be incredibly awkward!
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idlewatcher122 months
She is cute. Looks like they are about to capsize though haha
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pointdog33122 months
That's Marcus Spears
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McNasty23122 months
is that shaq?
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