Mark Zerof-USA TODAY Sports
On Tuesday afternoon, the SEC announced that Mississippi State center Dillon Day would be suspended for the Texas A&M for stomping on 2 different LSU players in last Saturday's game.

When asked about the suspension, head coach Dan Mullen disagreed with the decision handed down by the league office. Per The Dispatch:

Asked his opinion of Day's conduct, Mullen said "I didn't see anything wrong with it."

And when the subject changed to Day's eventual suspension, Mullen added, "We completely disagree with the ruling that was given to us by the league, but we are going to follow the commissioner's decision."
Filed Under: SEC Football
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FrozenFollower"14"121 months
I mean, well he really did deserve it...
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Vernonbrew22121 months
Bama got something for this Redneck from West of a Funroe a Monroe.
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SEC Grapevine121 months
OP-ED: Mullen's full-throated support and that of the school's AD, Scott Stricklin, of Dillon Day's intentionally injuring two players reflects worst of all on Mullen, the AD, and their football program. Even with 100's of media outlets, including ESPN, and SEC NOW airing the videos, instead of doing the right thing, severely condemning the actions, they dug in and publicly announced how hard they fought Day's suspension:


"And yet, even if Mullen's response seems less than tasteful, do realize it's not just one man's opinion. Mullen evidently has the full support of his boss, AD Scott Stricklin, on this one:.....@sbcmortgageman we spent all day Monday and Tuesday making our plea to no avail. It’s done."

The SEC suspended Day under Article 4.4.2 (d) which states that a student-athlete may be suspended if it is determined that the student-athlete has committed a flagrant or unsportsmanlike act.


SEC commissioner Mike Slive announced the punishment Tuesday, citing Day's history of dangerous behavior. "This action is the result of multiple flagrant and unsportsmanlike acts during the game, as well as previous disciplinary action for similar behavior,"
Their upcoming game with A&M just got a lot more difficult. Which could be the only justice served here: if they can't "stomp" A&M it will hurt State financially. When simple off field politically incorrect behavior can end a player's career, a program tolerating on field "multiple flagrant and unsportsmanlike acts" hurts the sport.

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skirpnasty121 months
If you think these are the only two times in a season someone will get stomped on, you are straight up naive. Hell, he stepped on our WR in the game too, haven't seen anyone bitching about that.
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TopsInAmericaTim121 months
70 games x 140 plays a game = 9800 plays x 22 players per play = over 190,000 opportunities to Stomp another player... And it happened twice... ONLY TWICE. By the same douche bag player in the same game. And his response wasn't "I'm guilty..." Or, "I'm sorry" it was a criminal's normal mantra "I'm innocent" ... and even then, not to the opposing team or the players he injured, but TO HIS OWN FRIGGIN FANS... Obviously to try and head off any criticism once he felt the PR storm brewing. That said... If he was on my college's team we'd probably love that "Screw You I Hate you I want to kill you football attitude" a bunch too BECAUSE football is becoming a politically correct forum for all things sweet, pink gloved and Donkey/Elephantish.
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LSUsuperfresh121 months
Well mark MSU fans off the list of people that can criticize coaches of other programs for enabling tPOS behavior.
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skirpnasty121 months
The SEC shouldn't be stepping in and making decisions post game. This was the responsibility of the officials on the field, not someone wearing a suit in Birmingham.
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ChexMix121 months
Now we know who really offered Cam Newton the money
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Bleeding purple121 months
Well, I suppose all the posters noting Day is a well known dirty player and Mullen was content with protecting his unethical behavior were right.
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Grit-Eating Shin121 months
Wow. I hope Day stomps on Mullens' fat head next.
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ColoradoElkHerd121 months
The SEC had to step in as Mullen refused to act. Next dirty play incident by MSU is on Mullen. Should have put a stop to dirty play before now.
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Tornado Alley121 months
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bullyintigertown121 months
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