Things got heated as Florida and Kentucky battled it out in the first round of the women's SEC Tournament on Wednesday, with eight players getting ejected...
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ThunderTiger23 months
Florida player didn't like the ball being shoved in her face and can't say I blame her.
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cajunmud23 months
I remember when girls/women acted like girls/women.
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mcpotiger23 months
Needs more eyelash extensions!
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CanebreakCajun23 months
Ahhhhh represent!
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Rex Feral23 months
Probably mad someone disrespected one of those giant eyelashes.
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Hellmet23 months
Lucky this wasn't the Alabama women's team involved, probably would have seen some gun shots go off.
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Thacian23 months
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tigersbb23 months
Look at the two opposing players at mid court hugging and looking appalled at their respective teammates acting a fool.
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Timeoday23 months
Savages gonna savage.
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JCinBAMA23 months
That Fla. girl looks like shes got an Adam apple.
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BobABooey23 months
The tens of fans were horrified.
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GaryGator23 months
Dey be trippin'
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Bucktail123 months
Hood rat bitches
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Bulldogblitz23 months
not much of a fight. i 'member seeing girls fight in memphis in high school. the male teachers would NOT step in the middle because it would be wild. this was sad.
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