College football sideline reporter Stephanie Otey was among those harmed during the postgame fight between Ohio State and Michigan football players on Saturday...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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jjv00042 months
Work with some ex-cops and they say that getting pepper sprayed is absolutely brutal.
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bigDgator2 months
Video is kind of funny at the end the lady cop/security guard is absolutely useless. lol
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Bige112 months
My wife keeps dottera oils in her bedside drawer. My son, 8 at the time, used to go in that drawer and take oils and put on his wrists because he liked the way the smelled. Despite multiple punishments for being told not to go in mommy’s drawer, he continued anyway.

long story short one day he tried the one in a pouch that said pepper because he liked pepper in his eggs. The screaming didn’t stop for 2 hours, and he never went in that drawer again. Needless to say, that stuff is potent.
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POTUS20242 months
She barely got any, but that stuff is potent.
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CaptainJ472 months
Her Instagram has some quality shots. Definitely does squats.
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Champagne2 months
If she didn't want to be pepper-sprayed she should not have gone out there throwing hands and rioting.
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JustinT372 months
Cops should have whipped out the Billy clubs like they used them back in the good ole days.
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Phase_42 months
The buckeye are a bunch of thugs, the cops should have shot them with bean bags. College football is lost.
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Geauxldninja2 months
I saw it differently, I actually gained some respect for them for not allowing Michigan to plant the flag. Michigan was the thugs.
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OldMailman2 months
Michigan shouldn’t have planted the flag. Ohio St didn’t plant one ALL those years they owned Michigan. “Act like you been there before.”
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biglego2 months
Oh no planting a flag that’s so awful
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caliegeaux2 months
If you close your eyes during the 2nd video and turn up the volume it gets interesting.
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biglego2 months
Haha it’s true! It sounds like she got nut in her eye at an orgy
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TDFreak2 months
Caught a whiff of pepper spray = injured
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Ghost of Colby2 months
Larry, she has an Instagram with a bunch of bikini pics in case you need a new obsession.
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