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Location:Alberta, overlooking B.C.
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Registered on:1/6/2009
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There are no good people in this story. The slob sure was mad he couldn’t get into the drive-thru lane to place his order.

The restaurant should have been the one bitching at the police for essentially shutting their business while the cops laughed at a sex toy.

dating back to 2019

How long has she been in college?

**graduated high school in 2018. TCU is her third college.
I stopped at a little diner while traveling through West Texas a couple of years ago. The place was jam-packed with oilfield workers and Blue Origin engineers.

The Blue Origin folks really stood out.
Similar to Daniel Jones, but on a larger scale. The Jones contract was for 4 years, but in reality it was only a 2-yr deal because the Giants could get out of it with minimal cap hit after two years.

Trevor’s contract is a little more complex since he signed a 5-year extension only three years i

re: Columbus Lied

Posted by Ghost of Colby on 2/13/25 at 1:36 pm

Los resultados revelaron marcadores genéticos que coinciden con poblaciones judías sefardíes de España.

The other vessel is nearly 200 meters long, so it’s not a small ship either.

Desean Watson

He was ‘retired’ a couple of months ago, but he won’t go away until he collects all his money.

re: 4 Nations puck drops tonight

Posted by Ghost of Colby on 2/12/25 at 6:46 pm
Finland is going to miss Miro Heiskanen.

People still use crunchy taco shells?

Kids love them.

re: Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Posted by Ghost of Colby on 2/12/25 at 5:41 pm

Which one is the female?

Their throws consist of packages of sausage and canned goods.


Someone in the crowd is getting knocked out.

The segment on this mornings news was just humorous that is all.

This one?:

Nothing screams, “I don’t care” more than scheduling an off-season surgery at the start of Spring Training.
I love it when foreign press exposes local incompetence.
It’s good to see Pat Sr. drunk and walking for once, instead of jumping behind the wheel and plowing into another car.
I’m pretty sure my house was built with the help of illegals. I can be honest, I’m also part of the problem

However, at least they are working their arse off, and not roaming the streets terrorizing neighborhoods like a lot of the Venezuelan and Central American gangs.
Reminds me of the time I spent Christmas at my in-laws, and had Amazon ship a few last minute presents to their house.

A few weeks later I ordered some adult toys, and my account still had the in-laws address as the default shipping address.

My mother in-law opened the packages, and had a lo

YMCA hoops fat

The chubby guys are always dangerous in Rec leagues. They don’t play around.

If 9 inches of snow didn’t kill the skeeters nothing will.

Anyone that’s ever been to Minnesota or Canada during the summer knows that snow doesn’t kill mosquitoes.