Mississippi State softball player Brylie St. Clair isn't gonna let a fall Saturday go by without going out with her bestie...

who did?

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Violent Hip Swivel16 months
Hit the town = stare aimlessly at their phones the whole time and only smile when it's time to take a picture
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FLTech16 months
I bet they had a blast staring at the one stop light in town
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chRxis16 months
both of them, at the same time
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JackieTreehorn17 months
That chick on the right is so brown I thought it was just a set of white boots on the ground.
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Milosh17 months
Your hair is not blonde.
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cajunmud17 months
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POTUS202417 months
Holy tanning spray!
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scrooster17 months
Lol she's really turned-into a full-fledged attention hooer. A social media schloot. God bless her little narcissistic heart.
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Saint Alfonzo17 months
Oh look, two Mississippi Stepford sluts.
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Dingeaux17 months
she's got a great body
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kciDAtaE17 months
“Hit up the town”? Looks like a parking lot
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Clemson_all_in197917 months
Mississippi thing I see watchout boys
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BayouTiga17 months
Why do attractive women feel the need to 'blow up' their lips to look like a clown! Bad move........
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