Hey, when you get handed the keys you drive. Here's Mississippi State interim coach Greg Knox leading his team out for yesterday's Egg Bowl...
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The Bulldogs lost 17-7.
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morganwadefan14 months
There was much worse than that last night. Had to suffer through the Mississippi band playing Taylor Swift.
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gamecockman1214 months
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rented mule14 months
Shoulda had a glass breaking sound pumped out of the PA system.
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Shamoan14 months
Stop! Drop! Shut em down open up shop!
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genuineLSUtiger14 months
Was really hoping that the throttle would get stuck and mayhem ensue.
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Tshiz14 months
If he would’ve Hauled arse across the field full speed, I could dig it. This was as weak as it could’ve been
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chalmetteowl14 months
Can’t mess it up before the game…
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Ragin Tiger114 months
So dumb.
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cajunmud14 months
He did look shaky on that thing. I envisioned him running over cheerleaders like a terrorist in a truck thru a parade.
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Northshoretiger8714 months
Muslim terrorist
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