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Arkansas head coach Bret Bielema was on FOX Sports Radio with Clay Travis on Tuesday, sharing the funny story of how he won over his wife Jen at the Wynn in Vegas pretending he was a history professor...

.“I always say ‘I have a good memory.’ I don’t know if I remember the opening line, but I remember the opening sequence. It was about eight years ago, I still had some game, brought some A-game. The thing I didn’t do or what I do. I was with some guys with Wisconsin, one of them might have had a [Wisconsin] shirt on. I didn’t. I told her I was an MBA history professor.”

“That was my MO. My MO back in the day was, before I got too well known, I always went back as a history professor. Usually you don’t talk to a lot of history professors, you know? If anybody ever caught me off-guard and asked me what I studied or what I was a history professor [in], I went with ‘European religions’ because I don’t know if anybody really knows what that means.”

“My buddy was always an astronaut, so I had to come up with something equally absurd. But I used it a lot on airplanes, in situations when you didn’t want to talk to someone. If you’re sitting on a plane ride and you tell someone you’re a history professor in ‘European religions’ they usually leave you alone, but they think you’re in a different stratosphere.”
You can read more here.
Filed Under: Arkansas Sports
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ArcticSwine101 months
Reading the comments seems we have a bunch of butt hurt jealous posters lol, Get over it
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TKLSUMD101 months
I would guess she is most attracted to the $$$. No way she would be with him if he made 30k per year.
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jcc4009101 months
A fricking MBA history such thing....he is a certified idiot
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Clark14101 months
Try being successful yourselves instead of looking pathetic with jealousy..Bret is a down to earth guy and Jen is a fine person as well.... some of you folks need to get outdo the basement and try to socialize a little, maybe a good thing can happen for you.... nah... probably not.... just keep bashing happy, successful people....twerps...
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Amazing Moves101 months
Clark calls all-time friend zone.
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wadewilson101 months
I love this guy to bits
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CapperVin101 months
I wonder why Brett is embarrassed to admit he met his wife in a strip club?
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FeedMoncrief101 months
Yeah, he told her about the history of a couple 'Benjamin Franklins' to get her to go home with him.
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Amazing Moves101 months
Does this chick have saran wrap on her face? Ok, Brett.. Keep trying to hide the fact that she's a money grubbing whore.
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Mouth101 months
Wait. His fat arse pulled in her caliber and she didn't know he was an up and coming coach?!?
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tigerman03101 months
She knew. She wrote about it awhile back. She was engaged or had a boyfriend at the time. She mentioned him saying he was a coach. This story reeks.
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BobABooey101 months
History professor? That guy can't even remember back to when he had a 36" waist.
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TheWalrus101 months
Fortunately for Bert, Jen was unsure of what history meant.
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