Former Alabama defensive lineman Marcell Dareus has been arrested and charged with second-degree domestic violence and third-degree domestic violence/harassment...

According to, Dareus pushed her girlfriend to the ground and used a metal object to hit her car, causing damage in excess of $2,500. Dareus turned himself in on the night of the incident, but was released after around an hour after posting a $36,000 bond.

Despite Dareus turning himself in, his lawyer issued a statement following his arrest.

“As with all individuals charged with a crime, any allegations by the state of Alabama is merely an accusation that has to be proven to a jury’s satisfaction beyond a reasonable doubt,’’ said the former defensive tackle's lawyer, Tommy Spina.

“Until that occurs, he is entitled to the constitutional protections of the presumption of innocence.”
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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ChatGPT of LA29 days
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TT929 days
Auburn wants him
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At least it wasn't his cousin, amirite?
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theballguy30 days
Finally getting him for abusing Colt McCoy.
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TheWalrus30 days
Bama gonna Bama
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I figured Marcell Dareus would be domesticated by now, yo.
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faraway30 days
that lawyer's grammar is on Larry's level.
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RAB30 days
I remember when he pushed Garrett Gilbert to the ground.
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soccerfüt30 days
Larry Leo continues his domestic violence campaign against the English language.
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Stinger_106630 days
"Dareus pushed her girlfriend to the ground". Does anyone bother to proofread anymore?
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Jyrdis30 days
Maybe he identifies as a she now. Roll Tide!
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