Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Interests:College Football, Hunting, other stuff
Number of Posts:2671
Registered on:9/21/2015
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]There is no hate like that between an Aggie and an ex Aggie coach.[/quote] Because LSU fans speak so highly of Les Miles or Ed Orgeron, right?...
I like watching college game day still, but Corso’s segments are tough. I get doing what you like even in old age to keep you active, but at some point you should retire, and for him that point was several years ago. ...
[quote]From someone who doesn’t follow aTm at all;[/quote] You put this in almost every post you make about A&M (which is a lot), so the irony here is too funny. Living in denial. And breaking news at 6, a player that transfers has better things to say about his new program than the one he lef...
No clue. And I’m with Pat, of all the weird stuff the Corps does, this is probably the tamest/least interesting thing and ESPN camera has captured at a game....
Well, seeing as the A&M technically doesn’t stand for Agricultural and Mechanical anymore, I’d guess you could say we’re fairly justified in just referring to ourselves at the “Texas Aggies”. A&M is just symbolic at this point. [quote]Originally, "A&M" stood for Agricultural and Mechanical, but t...

re: Back from my exile!

Posted by Texas Gentleman on 7/19/24 at 8:55 am
What the OP and many longhorn fans fail to realize is there’s a huge difference in winning one game vs an SEC team, grinding out a season against 8 of them. As to the A&M vs Oklahoma St game, we were on our 3rd or 4th string QB at that point thanks to injuries, plus coaching with half a staff aft...

re: ATM thumbs up emoji

Posted by Texas Gentleman on 7/3/24 at 8:24 am
Because it’s our school’s sign? I’m not sure if this is a real question or if it’s some setup for being trolled....
Have some family that works at the university and they just got an email. Effective June 30, 2025. Here’s part of the email. [quote]Despite the remarkable things we have accomplished, I am proudest of the fact that our culture, our traditions, and the patriotic fervor of our students remain intac...
You can see why even many Aggies call him our “propaganda minister”. To be fair, one of those 3 was just a couple of runs away from securing a natty, so it’s not like he was totally wrong. Jimbo was definitely a bust, jury is still out on Buzz but so far he hasn’t lived up to his billing....
I’d be careful running with hints/speculation from Texags. Most of that site was convinced Schloss was staying up until about 3pm on Tuesday. He’s in the portal like many of the other guys, I’m sure he’s waiting to see who A&M hires before fully deciding to jump ship or not....
[quote]Aggies didn't seem to have any problems with him treating the reporter that way until his departure was known[/quote] That’s a bit of a stretch, sure a few folks said he was out of line, but a majority were fine with the question. Lots of praise even early on for the guy as for many years ...
Eh, pretty big difference between Elko, leaving Duke and what happened with Schloss. And I think you know that. Kinda low level troll effort from you. It’s one thing to leave a few days after you’ve “indicated” you’re sticking around, main season is over, just a bowl game ahead. And it’s totally ...
From all that I’ve seen, that looks to be fairly accurate. This deal was in the works for a while. His relationship with CDC plus the tightening of our athletic budget seems to have worked against us. Still think it’s a sh*tty move to announce during the college World Series and shows longhorns h...
Baseball is probably the major men’s sport I follow the least (so behind football and basketball), but damn if they didn’t draw me in this year, well before the Omaha run. So dang close, wish they would’ve pulled it out for all of you diehard baseball fans that have stuck with them through the years...
To be honest, this reads a lot like A&M fans with Fisher, circa 2020-2021 with his extension. “Sumlin only did good with Sherman’s recruits and talent evaluation, he had lots of talent to work with thanks to Sherman and blew it by going 8-4 all the time. He did a poor job of roster management so...

re: CONFIRMED: Schloss to Texas

Posted by Texas Gentleman on 6/20/24 at 3:39 pm
[quote]Why are people still giving oxygen to this burning dumpster fire of a thread?[/quote] But really agree with this. Let’s see where the chips fall next week. Somebody will be right, and somebody will be wrong. I look forward to seeing who’s eating crow....

re: CONFIRMED: Schloss to Texas

Posted by Texas Gentleman on 6/20/24 at 3:37 pm
Was it the post that was counting downvotes that tipped it? He’s always worried about what kind of votes his posts get. I agree, less using of “ooof” and the laughing emoji, so managed to hide it a little better on this 4th or 5th go around, I’ve lost count at this point....
[quote]2016 when Coastal Carolina[/quote] Beat TCU to advance to the finals who was at the time coached by our current coach and had started 2-0 in Omaha. TCU had also beaten us in our own super regional that year. Hope Schloss does better this time with a 2-0 start in Omaha....

re: Sumlin v Fisher

Posted by Texas Gentleman on 6/18/24 at 12:05 pm
In case the OP wasn’t aware, Ags are doing pretty well in Omaha right now, maybe save the football talk another week or two. And the answer isn’t really that clear. Sure Sumlin has a better statistical record, but his best seasons were the first two when he was mostly using players he didn’t recr...