Bobby Hebert believes he would do a better job coaching LSU’s offense than Les Miles...

“I know this and I actually believe this, and people say ‘oh come on;’ but I know I’ve forgotten more football than Les Miles knows,” he says. “If you could bring me down and call plays and know what you’re doing. I would never make that statement about Sean Payton. Come on, I know. But I know when the defense is doing this and blitzing how are you going to attack it? What you need to do? Like its 3rd-and-10 against Alabama, you’re going to run the option? Come on. You can get away with that against Washington. When you’re playing Alabama and you have 15 NFL players, well so do they. And you got to have some imagination.”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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tigerrose44146 months
Although I feel we need an imaginative offensive coordinator who can work within the parameters of Miles" offensive philosophy, Bobby--or Baby as he was called when he QBd the Saints--isn't the one. T-Bob more mature than his dad.
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Billy Ray Valentine146 months
I can't see the problem with those statements.
If you question Miles' offense on TD, you're lambasted b/c "you can't possibly know more than Les Miles, a professional football coach."
When an obvously knowledgeable football mind does the same, he's called a drunk & an idiot.
You do realize he's saying he could do a better job calling plays (not being HC) than the current staff, which perrenially generates a very mediocre offense (AT BEST).

To say Hebert is out of his mind is just pure purple & gold glasses & blind Miles loyalty. Again, he's not saying he would be a better head coach...simply that he would be a better director of the offense. I don't know for certain if he could. But to ridicule him and say he's crazy for thining that is just ludicrous.
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peccow206146 months
Bobby's a blow hole
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lsudjh146 months
It is always easier to coach the game after it is over.
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bdnc146 months
you have to do more at LSU than call plays, you have to manage 105 players and bobby can’t manage himself
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brass2mouth146 months
Damn it I hate this man.
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Martini146 months
He probably would have called for a Jack and Coke.
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musick146 months
While I like Les a lot, I have a feeling bobby wouldn't have called the warecat on the most pivotal 4th and 1 of the season.
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DJTigers146 months
I used to like bobby when he played for the saints. But i think it,s time for bobby to jus go away!!
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NastyTiger146 months
What a typical drunk
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MickeyMouse146 months
I like a challenge.....Bobby calls it as he sees it nothing wrong with saying he can do better...
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Boondock Saint146 months
Have another drink you fricking lush..........
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Martini146 months
Drink up Booby.
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Chris Warner146 months
Bobby has also forgotten humility, compassion and good sense.
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LSUsmartass146 months
I have no problem with those statements
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