Favorite team:LSU 
Location:The Boondocks
Number of Posts:4566
Registered on:10/3/2005
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[quote]but they frequently bite the Asians.[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/6751A64NJkyCQ/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9527wruzy16n8b8cy18g264e5lzzs7rru80maq1l42g&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Sorry, but this made me laugh my arse off. I mean, the sign does clearly state that the horse will bite her..... Please caption this photo: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/XNFXyyVv/image.png[/img] [link=(https://www.yahoo.com/news/kings-guard-horse-bites-tourist-134400305.html)]Link to Yahoo story...
[quote] Ask me anything.[/quote] What do you do to entertain yourself for 11 hours straight? Podcasts? Music? I legitimately think I would lose my fricking mind after doing this for a few weeks. Maybe it's not as bad as I think though. Convince me to quit my white collar corporate job and hit ...
Not sure if mentioned yet but Mack Weldon are excellent quality and super comfortable. Don't ride up as much as some others I've tried and they last for years. Highly recommend! [link=(https://mackweldon.com/collections/boxer-briefs)]Mack Weldon Boxer Briefs[/link]...
[quote]You don't need a large number of people. You need one highly placed person with enough power to move shite around like oh idk secret service personnel and bam you "accidentally" miss a roof[/quote] It's probably been said but why would you get some 20 year old kid to do the job? All that tr...
I know all the OT-er's are huge fans of hers.... It really does look like she just straight up shows everyone her shaved pussy multiple times throughout the video. I'm only linking the Yahoo news story. You will have to click on the TikTok link in the second paragraph of the story to judge for...
[quote]Chrono24.com[/quote] Do you trust that the watches here are authentic? How would you know before you buy? Same question for Grailzee....
My wife (no pics) is looking at buying a used Rolex watch since it's a year or more to buy a new one. I know there are some watch gurus on here who know about this stuff. She specifically is looking at an Explorer 36 mm steel watch with a black dial. The really old ones have a different look that...
[quote]quote: but I’m 42 quote: I remember not having AC in school til 3rd grade Wtf school did you go to? I'll just say you're full of shite before the answer[/quote] I'm 48 and went to a small private school in a small town in south Louisiana. We didn't have A/C until I was a seni...
[quote]Entergy would like everyone to set their ACs to 80 degrees.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/Yq40P26G2ZkAAAAM/frickthat-frickallthat.gif[/img]...

re: 27 year old cirrhosis

Posted by Boondock Saint on 6/27/24 at 7:40 am
[quote]365 x 8 = 2,922 days (2 leap years) 45 x 2,922 = 131,400 beers 131,490 x .90* = $118,341.00 spent on beer over the last 8 years * average cost of a can of beer in Louisiana [/quote] Your math is wrong. That would be if he was drinking 45 beers a day.... Two cases of beer a day w...

re: Car you drove in high school

Posted by Boondock Saint on 6/26/24 at 11:30 am
1974 Triumph TR6 My dad drove it from 1978 to 1991 and then he gave it to me. Had a lot of fun with that car but no A/C so hot as frick in south Louisiana... [img] https://classiccars.brightwells.com/images/lots/DSC_9220.jpg[/img]...
[quote]I've been on TD longer than _____[/quote] You...
If I squint hard enough I think I can read the tattoo right under her neck. It says "No Ragrets"...
[quote]Man, I miss dating nurses.[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/O1oJ840fg6uOVCqdzJ/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952a4dttnyj3rleby01xctks9s33xnzjhtzug4adywz&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Brother... we are the aliens[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/3a93a12a-148e-41bc-9105-ac3204f10ac6_text.gif[/img] ETA: Dammit, someone beat me to the punch......
[quote]Any downvotes wanna somehow explain or justify away this as actually a good thing like the simp Biden voters you are?[/quote] I don't like Biden, but even more than him, I don't like the morbidly obese population that these fast food companies helped to create. Anything that slows down peo...

re: TSA PreCheck KTN

Posted by Boondock Saint on 5/28/24 at 7:00 am
[quote]So what exactly does the precheck entail? Is it just tilling out paperwork ahead of time? Is there some additional screening that goes on ahead of time to flag you as safe?[/quote] Just fill out some forms online and go get your fingerprints taken somewhere local. It also costs about $80 I...