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According to tweets from his teammates and himself, Alabama defensive lineman Jesse Williams benched 600 pounds early Thursday morning. Long-snapper Carson Tinker tweeted...

"I saw @ThaMonstar dominate 600 lbs on the bench this morning... Incredible"
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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ShlikStyck150 months
just once?....meh
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Broham151 months
I wanna see a video and no hands on the bar but his.
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LSUAce007151 months
Shawn Jordan benched more than that while at LSU.
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Martini151 months
I saw Jay Manda do that in high school 1980.
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UKWildcatsFAN151 months
That is a tremendous about of weight. In 2005 I was able to get 405 on squat and just remember how heavy it was on my shoulders. I couldn't imagine having anything close to 600 pounds on squat never the less bench. Amazing.
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DawgRff151 months
I bet he was assisted
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Mr. Shankly151 months
i do preacher curls w/ 600#
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NASA_ISS_Tiger151 months
But what does he squat? I mean even as a defensive lineman...leg strength and initial push are more important than upper body.
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Mr. Hangover151 months
meh... unless there are some smaller weights on their, that's only 585 lbs..

JC copeland bench presses 18 wheelers.... for fun
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im4LSU151 months
and not a single frick was given
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SaintLSUnAtl151 months
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pellietigersaint151 months
meh. hilliard is gonna bulldoze his arse
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MThawg151 months
surprised he was even allowed too but that is incredible
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