Is this what Under Armour is cooking up for Auburn?

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Don't know if we'll ever see this on the field. But a bit much, eh?
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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parrotdr151 months
Didn't Oregon do this already?
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NOX151 months
whats the situation with this kids pinky? Proper high noon tea drinker?
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3HourTour151 months
I love it
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Thracken13151 months
frick me but thats ugly as sin.
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TTsTowel151 months
It's not real. It was a present given to an Auburn commit by his high school coach. I think Irvin-Sills.
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Pahnew151 months
the gold face mask is charles barkley turrible
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Mr. Hangover151 months
yea because oregon doesn't wear a chrome helmet....

i'm a fan of new unis, but this is terrible
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Tiger-Striped-Bass151 months
Doesn't seem like it would be allowed on the field with the glare it would create, especially in the afternoon sun.
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