Arkansas incoming linebacker recruit Vin Ascolese is all excited about becoming a Razorback he decided to write a good ole sonnet about it. He tweeted...

“Razorback nation Read this ! It’s a sonnet I wrote about what it meens to be a Razorback and what a razorback is! WPS !
And it here it is...

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Putty147 months
He said he was gonna end someone's life on the field...full scale investigation into the program...heads will roll.

Oh, and that's not a's a PG-13 Dick and Jane book.
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Chili Dip147 months
all from the same jakov's that defended their starting QB curb stomping someone's head in a parking lot
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otowntiger147 months
lol, he has "to" and "too" backwards. I've never seen that before!
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SM6147 months
I give him credit for trying, Honey Badger can't even conjugate his verbs on twitter. I give this kid an A+ for effort but if you can't run a 4.5 and hit like a sack of bricks GTFO and go to Oberlin.
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BamaChemE147 months
I'm glad somebody else noticed that this is no way shape or form a sonnet. In addition to the line restriction, rhyme scheme, and meter being incorrect for any form of sonnet, the meter changes almost every verse. Vin is a terrible poet, but I guess as a member of the participation trophy generation I guess he deserves one for poetry.
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lsufan9193969700147 months
Shame on the three of you who already posted! Does anybody else see the problem here? This is not a sonnet...Italian, Shakespearean, or Spenserian! The meter is incorrect, the lines are too many, and the rhyme scheme, or lack there of, is not correct. This guy simply wrote a free verse poem about pigs and football.
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stonedbegonias147 months
"what it meens".....lulz
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zombie ninja147 months
I hope the University of Arkansas can teach him the difference between "to" and "too".
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ClientNumber9147 months
Sonnet is spelled with two n's.
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