Alabama Governor Robert Bentley decided to weigh in on Alabama’s loss to Texas A&M this past weekend. When asked by an interviewer about Saban’s decision to throw the ball three times at the goal line late in the game Bentley responded...

"I would actually have run the ball for four straight times.”
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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TigerDice142 months
This just goes to show you that even great coaches such as Nicky can out think themselves.

Bama's power run game was called for against A&M at the end of the game. Bama's strenth is their offensive line. Even Nicky knows the Govenor is right.

Nicky chose to talk about the last play of the game, not all four downs.
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jmitc22142 months
when the governor starts weighing in on football it really reveals your priorities
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Statestreet142 months
I hope the governor has reached his term limits as he will no longer be in office since he has blasphemed the Anointed One
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Martini142 months
Saban will be the next University of Texas coach.
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nycajun142 months
The more the 'Bama fans start to resemble the LSU fans, the closer Little Nicky comes to the exit ramp.
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MasonTiger142 months
There will be no Thanksgiving in Alabama this year.
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Kong142 months
Saban will be gone soon, this is getting ridiculous, everyone who has an "A" on a hat thinks they could have won that game.
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CP3LSU25142 months
The whole state of Alabama is terrible.
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dagrippa142 months
aaaand if Saban had run the ball 4 straight times and failed he'd say he would have thrown it
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tigerbutt142 months
I wonder when Saban will get tired of the clueless gumps comments.
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skinny domino142 months
cajuncook - please excuse my grammar or lack of knowledge - I'm an ignorant koonass.
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1cajuncook142 months
Skinny, is that the same as never lost a game?
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PurpleGoldTiger142 months
One more step to Saban being gone. I'm all for people questioning his decisions
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skinny domino142 months
Of course he calling out Saban, just check out his record coaching football, never loss a game.
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