Are you an Alabama fan with $50,000 to spare? An eBay user posted a collection of Crimson Tide rings that’s not sitting in a trophy The collection features seven total championship rings:

2011 BCS and NCAA rings
2009 SEC, BCS and NCAA rings
2009 Sugar Bowl ring
1999 SEC ring

But get this, the poster is from Alexandria, LA. Huh? Check'em out...

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bama0037148 months
Lol, didn't realize this would turn into a big deal when I listed it on eBay. I was not looking to sell my player rings but just looking for a 1992 ring.
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BuccWildBammer148 months
It's a former member who now plays for Tennessee I'm guessing
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Are they player/coach rings or just manager/staff rings? There is a difference.
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diddydirtyAubie148 months
Why is there a 2009 Sugar Bowl ring? They lost to Utah in that game.
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MasonTiger148 months
There'll be some duallies and double-wides on the market now.
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JETigER148 months
where's the 2011 SEC championship ring?
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Clyde Tipton148 months
Cajun Pawn Stars making a buck off some Gump...
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