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Location:Planet Earth
Biography:Graduated from LSU in '04
Interests:LSU sports, hunting, and fishing
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Registered on:12/6/2007
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re: Nicholls Attack?

Posted by Clyde Tipton on 2/10/25 at 3:41 pm
I for Juan am shocked.


it was an illegal alien. Attacked someone on campus with a hammer.

Sounds like a recently out of work roofer.
The one where he calls the taxidermist to stuff the Border Collie that was a town hero is funny.

He finally gets around to saying a kid was chocking on a tator tot at the Sonic, and this dog started sniffing his private parts causing him to giggle and spit up the tator tot. :lol:
Do y'all think there will be a run on pennies? Will people want them now that they are no longer being produced?

Is the metal used worth more than $.01, or is the cost of production what drives up the price?

3 weeks in.

I get that. They have to investigate and cross all the t's and dot all the lower case j's. It has to be done right so you get a conviction.

I'll be disappointed though if there are no arrest by this summer. Court timeline would drag any conviction into 2026 at the e

re: Man, people are just awful….

Posted by Clyde Tipton on 2/10/25 at 1:02 pm
Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays.
Elon exposes this...
Bondi warns that...

Great, but how long will they investigate before we see something besides a tweet about how we got screwed? I want an arrest, I want justice.

What do y'all think? A few weeks for an arrest, a conviction next year, nothing ever comes of any of this?

I want some snake skin boots (without the attached snake head :lol:) but I don't think I can pull them off.

No he didnt

I realized that after I hit submit. :dope:

Fournette 6 points
Odell 6 points

Devery Henderson scored in 2009 for the Saints.

Eta: maybe he didn't. I might be thinking about catching the TD that broke all time passing TD record for Brees.

there is no publication on this so I will be compiling one today.

You will need a set of standards. Does a Burrow passing touchdown count? Or does it have to be the player possessing the ball when it crosses the goal line.
So, USAID 2.0?

Yeah, we're not doing that.

re: REAL ID deadline May 2025

Posted by Clyde Tipton on 2/7/25 at 1:25 pm

As of my last renewal the drivers license was standard, not Real ID version.

Same. They didn't mention anything about it to me.

re: Time Magazine Front Cover

Posted by Clyde Tipton on 2/7/25 at 11:14 am
He needs the big MAGA hat photoshopped on him and it will be perfect! :lol:

Blackhawk was a way underrated 90s country band

I can’t see a single storm cloud in the sky, but I sure can smell the rain.

Is USAID behind the brutalist architecture movement?

Yes. One of the steps of communism is removing your culture and architecture that makes your area unique.

Will be interesting to see how many want to read and hear this, too.


This isn't about party affiliation. It's revolution to take our Country back.

Good governance is based on trust

We tried that. Then we got robbed.

We're trying something different now.
It took them almost 3 weeks to even organize a protest.

That alone shows you their urgency and subsequent work ethic.