According to a report from the Houston Chronicle, A&M's Johnny Manziel shoved an assistant coach. In the article they describe the situation like this...

"Following his last of three interceptions, on a short pass into the end zone as he ran into the right sidelines, an exuberant graduate assistant jumped up and down within what appeared to be inches of an irate Manziel. So Manziel shoved him. Players and coaches, who were all gathered along the sidelines, quickly separated the Giddy GA and Manziel before anything escalated."
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Fat Bastard139 months
get a life larry. NGAF.
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Sterling Archer139 months
Lol it was a grad assistant..
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ParkSlopeTiger139 months
Completely agree with Prometheus. Maybe he should take a break from his TMZ lifestyle
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el duderino III139 months
you're killing your father larry
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TheVille518518139 months
Thug POS
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QJenk139 months
And this is a story...Why???
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FrankWhite'56139 months
Complete non-story.
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Prometheus139 months
This fall will be fun to watch.
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