It was a big win for the Aggies, but this big?

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Tigah in the ATL147 months
From the link, not a UA fan "Luckily, it has been brought to the attention of Gamedayr Nation that this slick young dude is actually a student at A&M, so this lifelong reminder of the game that was was inked in pure celebration, not agony."
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tjtiger9147 months
Article claims it is a guy and it is a butt cheek, doesn't look like either to me!!!
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bigred1600x147 months
12 feet! hahahahah
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JazzyJeff147 months
should be '12 not 12' dumb arse! LOL
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cleetus147 months
From TigerPox cheek...

that does NOT look like a butt cheek
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rutiger147 months
so much fail in one little tattoo. smh.
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Rox147 months
It's actually an Alabama Fan who lost a bet....
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mcpotiger147 months
LOL.. that is so stupid.
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arseinclarse147 months
12'? That's huge!
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kieper89147 months
is that a dude or a chick?
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Spelt it rong147 months
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