South Carolina head coach Shane Beamer is THAT guy...
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UFMatt11 months
He's not half the coach his dad was.
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Gifman11 months
So he kicks and screams like a child when things don't go his way? Sounds like Frank Beamer spared the rod on Shane.
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Hater Bait11 months
You can’t say he doesn’t give a shite.
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UltimateHog11 months
Lmao yikes
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jbird711 months
Between his press conference after the game and this, it seems he lets his emotions easily get the best of him.

Not a quality you want in a head coach.
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6R1211 months
Emotions can be utilized to benefit you and cause you to continue to fight. Emotions shouldn't break your foot although. Those are the wrong emotions to show up.
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jbird711 months
Yeah that’s more of what I was getting at.
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IceTea2011 months
Nick Saban says hello
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